Done and dusted?

5 minute read time.

Who knows? 17th June saw my last radiotherapy in Birmingham. I have been too busy to update my blog, so here goes. Life has returned to normality, whatever that was. The first thing was to get back to my walk leadership duties, 8 weeks of inactivity is going to take some catching up to do. I met the gang at a local surgery and had a very warm welcome back from the group. Walking poles at the ready we set off for an hour's exercise. There was no thought of could I do it, for which I was very grateful, I had told them that if I could not complete the walk, I would go on a short cut and meet them at the end of the walk. I wanted and needed no special treatment, I know my capabilities. I did keep up, my walking poles take the strain from my legs and my shoulders come into play for climbing and as brakes for going down hills (look up Nordic Walking). After the walk I was tired but elated. Coffee and cakes to put back the energy to walk back to the surgery (My excuse, and I'm sticking to it) I slept well after getting back home, followed by a pleasant hour playing with my new camera in the garden. I have not been for a swim yet, that will come later. Although I have had no side effects from my treatment, I will not be pushing my luck.

Thursday 19th June: I had a much needed haircut, followed by taking my wife to her beading group then collecting my Father-in-law, we were taking him to lunch at one of his favourite watering holes. Having returning him back home Carol needed to look for some new clothing for a forthcoming family wedding...nothing new about that then. It took over 3 1/2 hours to do the job, Carol is having big mobility problems, she is waiting for a new left knee, she had a pre-med in February, we are still waiting for a date.Having seen nothing that would fit the bill, we went back home, empty handed, she decided that she could make what she needed. Although tired and no success with the shopping, she did enjoy her day out, which in my book is good enough.

Friday 20th June I had my Zoladex implant, there was talk of swapping to Prostap but as no letter came through  I was stuck with Zoladex. !0:00 found me at Rosliston Forestry Centre, I, and several other walk leaders had an invite to a walk, followed by a cream tea as a 'thank you' for work done in the past 12 months. I was a morning walk as the weather was going to be too hot for comfort, also, the cream might not have lasted the course.

 Sat 21st I met the Photography Group from Facebook, we were going on a photo shoot at Albert Village, there is a small lake there with great photo opportunities. The walk was planned for 1 hour, but lasted for over 3 hours, A member has an incurable bone cancer, terminal, but 'on hold' he needs a crutch or two to walk, but using two gets in the way of using his camera. He has lost most of his family to one form of cancer or another, but considers himself lucky to quote him. "There are others out there who are a damned sight worse off than I am" I take my hat off to him... a lesson in a positive outlook.

Mon' 23rd I took Dad to Derby , he was going to Blackpool for 4-5 days, his bus was due to leave 09:15 I spent a few hours in the garden removing weeds and other stuff, Oh boy what a shock I was totally done in. I know radiotherapy makes you tired but I was not told that the effects could last for a few months (One side effect I did not expect)

Tues' 24th Called into Burton for a coffee morning with U3A had a chat with a few members and was asked if I would take some photo's of Burton as the web page needed updating. so, called into Craft Central for another coffee (mug 89p) then went shooting in a local riverside park. I took several got back home and edited them for the webpage. Job done.

Wed' 25th Back to walking again, another good session. (In order to not keep repeating myself I walk all Wednesdays and some Thursdays except in unusual circumstances).

Thurs 25th Carol wants to go out, she needs shelving or cupboards for her books etc. in the craft room (back bedroom) Anywhere turned out to be Ikea Nottingham. We started the day with an early lunch, before the crowds moved in. We did see things we were interested in, but did not buy, we were not certain of the measurements. Another excuse for lunch out again sometime. We did get a new sewing kit for Carol and 2 cutting boards for me (I do a lot in the kitchen)

Fri' 27th I was asked to go to Lichfield to get more beads, Carol was in no condition to go herself. After returning home, I had a call from Dad telling me there were delays on the motorway, and he would ring later when he was nearer to Derby

Sat/Sun' took the whole weekend off and did nothing other than update various things on the laptop and edited a few photo's I mistakenly phoned a friend in Wales on his mobile. How did I get that? It was never given to me, oh well, I have the full set now.

Tues' 1st July Committee meeting today, I need some info for the newsletter (Did I mention I am the Editor?) Collected two lense hoods and a second UV filter for my 300mm lens My gadget bag needs a stretching a bit or a replacement

Wed' 2nd took Carol to her U3A craft session in the morning, did the wednesday walk and collected Carol in the afternoon. It would have been quicker to have walked. Driving in Burton is a nightmare, 'Me first' drivers, hesitant drivers, driver, who do not know right from left...the list goes on and on.

I think I had better stop here, I have things to do,places to go and people to see. There is a lot more to place in here but I will have to save it for another day....If you can stand it that is.

Bye for now.

