2 minute read time.

Monday  17th March was my 'D Day'. I have had scans in the past to confirm my prostate cancer, MRI, CT, Bone, and now THE CT to do the planning for future treatment. It was not the most pleasurable experience I have had. First the talk, the why's and wherefores. Then the self administered micro-enema, Moisten the end with a small amount of the contents for lubrication, insert and squeeze, still squeezing the tube remove it and dispose of. Wait up to 20 minutes then back to the toilet & do what will come naturally (It will, of that you can be certain), empty bladder, then drink 4 cups of water. Wait to be called into the scanning room meanwhile you will be subjected to a needle insertion* that will accept further liquid insertion later in the process (It is called a cannula). Move to scanning room & remove shoes & trousers lay on the prepared bed, neck in a molded receptacle, feet in restraints to stop sideways movement. Lay 'Heavy' you will be manouvered into the correct position. Clasp hands to the chest, and away we go. I was actually drifting off when I was disturbed. I had to hold a tube which had been inserted to the holder* as mentioned earlier. I was warned that I will feel heat, & if too unbearable, waggle my toes to warn the operatives. Oh boy it was a hot heat for a second or so between the testes & anus, then it spread very quickly to the whole body, it felt like laying under the hot sun, very nice, but lasted only a second or so. I can't remember if I had my tattoos before or after the injection on the bed, either way the tat's on the hips were not very noticeable, but the one in the pubic area was a short but sharp pain, nothing to whinge about though. A second session in the scanner and all was done. Dress and pick up my bag of goodies, 48 micro-enemas. I have 35 sessions of radiotherapy to look forward to, what do I do with the remaining 13? Christmas or birthday presents come to mind for certain people I know  I was taken to room 6 where I will be treated as of April 14th. Shown what to do with my appointment card, various toilets were pointed out to me, then I was left to go home.

On my return to Swadlincote, we went to 'The Tall Chimney' for a belated lunch. It was here I discovered that the effects of the enema had not worn off yet. I needed 'to go' & quickly. I had just got into the cubicle when one of the biggest farts I have ever done let rip  My pants were soaked. I dropped my joggers only to find they were clean, my pants were soaked but it was a clear semi liquid which wiped away quite easily. several feet of toilet paper later, I was able to return for my meal. Later at home I was blowing gales like there was no tomorrow, fortunately all dry ones. Tuesday I was back to normal, well almost, I still had the gas attacks, loud, but clean with no odour. Today things have settled down. Next time around, I will be prepared.

More as and when. Have a nice day