The Beginning

Less than one minute read time.

Well I am not entirely sure where to begin to be honest. My darling husband Clint has been recently diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma for the second time only this time it is in his Spleen, Pancreas and Stomach.

We had the horrific journey today of going to the hospital and finding out what the prognosis and actually what was going to happen with regards to his treatment.  He has been told that he requires between 6 to 8 session os R-CHOP chemotherapy, i felt sick when they said that but his face said it all!!!

He has been told he requires to have another biopsy and bone marrow procedure done plus and echo before any of his treatment can be done.  It s now just a waiting game and my god its hard.

I am his wife and I know that I am not the one going through it all but I am the one who has to sit and watch the person she loves go through one the the most horrible periods.

I will keep this updated as things happen



  • FormerMember

    Hey Maxine,

    I would like to here about it via private message there is obviously some things you dont wish to share publicly.

    Coping as best i can got a biopsy to get today!!!
