New Hospital New Date

Less than one minute read time.

13th March

I've just come back from seeing the consultant at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield. I set off at 07.00 to make sure I cleared the traffic and got a parking space for my appointment at 09.00.

The Consultant informed me that he had got me a slot in the operating theatre in the afternoon of the 20th assuring me that the weeks delay will have no impact on my condition whatsoever since I have proberbly had the problem for several months or even a year. I've been asigned my own personal Keyworker / nurse called Shauna and will return on Thursday for a pre op assessment. No china cups, Sky TV or ensuite at this hospital but it looks like they have a good team that will take good care of me.

Just thinking whist blogging that I could have been going in for the op this afternoon and maybe returning with an enormous bill. And I was really looking forward to that enema.
