Home At Last After The Ordeal

8 minute read time.

Sunday 27th March

Back Home at Last after a long wait in my room for the NGH Pharmacy to send up my drugs. Drain removed (ouch) Shauna my allocated Stoma Nurse assessed my self care with the help of Micky Winfrow who had just popped in (Cheers Mick and thanks for being the first welcome non family face to visit me last Thursday) Dressed and ready by 11.00. Maxine the oher stoma nurse thinks I'm an Ironman having done better than anyone she knows. They are all lovely

A very surprised consultant just managed to catch me before I left and explained in person what had actually happened during my 2 operations. Surprised in the fact that I had recovered so well after 2 major operations in one day and had still hit the very earliest target for discharge which was accounted to my general well being.

The explanation was as follows

I was due in theatre @ 13.30 however a slot had opened @ 11.30 for the Registrar Surgeon to do the job. The registrar did a Laproscopic Lower Anterior Resection taking away the area of bowel where the polyps were removed during my colonoscopy. Thinking that the job was done I was stitched back up and sent for post op recovery. Meanwhile my op was discussed between the Registrar and the consultant (who should have done it) The consultant immediately realised that the cancerous tumour section had not been removed. They woke me to sign another consent form and to check with another colonoscopy.

I was taken back down to theatre to have it done all over again this time by my consultant.

He continued to say that although we werre awaiting histology results things look very good with iliostomy reversal planned to take place in 6 weeks time.

Graham's Get Well Card with a painted scene from when we traversed Kinder a few weeks ago after climbing around Blackden Brook and the Downfall area


Tuesday 20th

The Anaesthetist struggled to find a vein, suggesting that I have Raynaud's Syndrome. The vein problem carried on throughout my treatment, little surprise that I struggle with the cold when winter climbing. "I'm just going to flush the cannula out with saline solution"

I wake in a dreamlike state feel for a stoma bag (I don't think there is one) and fall back to sleep.

Next thing I'm being woken by my consultant to sign another consent form saying something about leaving a lesion behind. They fumble with my rear to check followed by a painful inflation. I think I pass out.

Wednesday Morning 21st

I open my eyes and its dark. The nurse asks how I feel and do I have any pain? I say I'm OK. I ask what time is it and she says 2 O'clock. "Morning or afternoon". Morning. Later a girl yawns and walks over to me. I mistake her for my beautiful daughter Anne and say "Hello Sweetheart, What are you doing here". She holds my had, smiles and asks if I'm OK. I then realise it is one of the nurses. I feel again for a stoma bag and find I have one.

Later that afternoon I'm taken to the ward Firth 3. I'm hooked up to all sorts of things like saline / glucose, antibiotic drips. morphine and and once settled asked if I want to get up out of bed. I swing my legs around and sit on the edge of the bed. Dazed and dizzy the nurse says I'm not ready to do any more today. Later Sue and our Phil visit. I remember little more, my head just spinning.

Wednesday 22nd

Shocking day

Still very woolly headed and I am asked to getup and sit in my Shackleton high seat with just an open backed gown whilst the bed was stripped. Bare arse the lot and was left like that for 45 mins. The Physio came to show me some exercises and take me a short walk out of the room. I was not in a good mood after being left so long without any dignity, so I painfully stood up and stormed out of the room as quickly as I could with her trying to slow me down. She saw that I was Not a happy bunny which was reported to the ward sister. Lots of apologies.

Threw up twice which I knew I would since every general anaesthetic I've ever had has made me vomit violently. You just have to go through the pain barrier in order to come out the other side. The day passed miserably ending with a grand finally.

First the farty rumblings I had been having all day erupted into a pain so severe that I thought my time had come. With the buzzer pressed and Merlita the nurse by my side I passed wind and coagulated blood into a man sized nappy. The wind I'm sure from the second pre op examination when I passed out. Relief came at the final thrust. All tidied up into paper pyjamas I tried to get some sleep.

I Awoke about an hour later my stomach bulging and hard. Something was wrong. With every drip of saline the pain increased, Buzzing frantically for help until I could feel the building pressure in my kidneys. I was about to burst. Merlita came in the nick of time only to find my catheter was twisted in my paper pants. Once sorted the pain ebbed away and at last I fell to sleep

.Me - as blurred as I felt

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Thursday 23rd

I had a good night sleep after my epic evening. I have not needed morphine since yesterday morning and I'm not sure it was doing any good either. Merlita the night nurse had been an angel

No morphine means no drip or catheter. I won't say it was a pleasure having the catheter taken out but it was a relief Once all the lines were out had a good wash on my own and had a shave. Feel much better for it.

The sister helped me with my stoma bag and I'll try the next on my own. She had a great deal of compassion and was very gentle. 90% of the staff are fabulous the rest are just doing a job. I suppose that's typical everywhere. Had texts from Paddy and Jason at work. It was good to hear from them and it looks like plenty are asking how I am. Sent one back to say hello to all the lads. Loads of visitors again

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Friday 24th

Reasonable night sleep feeling bit better. Had a wash and have walked around the room a little. I'm looking after myself pretty well there are lots of groans on the ward outside my room and I wonder if I'm going to get moved now I'm getting better but with having to look after my stoma you really need your own space, privacy and toilet facilities. I'm naming him BOB. Hopefully he won't be with me for long. Everyone is impressed with my progress and it looks like I have gained a name for being the one that got fucked up during my ops. Again loads of visitors. Some of the older one don't get anyone.

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Saturday 25th

Feeling even better so I'm going to make an effort to look better. Strip wash, Hair wash and shave. Looking in the mirror whilst drying my hair my man boobs have almost gone and so has my little role of fat around my waist line. Hair brushed and armpits deodorised I'm starting to look like the Mad Shagger again but the difference is that I don't feel like it. I'm pumped so full of antibiotics that plaque is not forming on my teeth and I don't think I have any body odour. Or Do I?

The Registrar doctor has made a flying visit to see me and is impressed with my progress also noting that we are not awaiting any results to see if I'm clear of cancer. In his opinion everything went perfectly in both operations. Both?

Meals in here are decent and there is always 2 courses and plenty of choice. One of the things I enjoy is people watching especially the nurses. I notice how attractive they are, how hard they work, who is doing it as a job and who is doing it with total compassion and care because this is their passion.

I've also notice that 'Lean' style systems have been introduced with check sheets for everything, Single Point Instructions, targets and performance. I know I should not think of work but I cannot help it. I'm a Pandrol man through and through.

Again today I'm overwhelmed by the amount of visitors I have. I'm one luck man. Emotionally I'm not very strong, standing alone at the window weeping until I hear footsteps in the corridor then it's a wipe of the eyes and a smile. I'm going to be a while getting over this.

Mince meat tart for afters wow. I starting to enjoy the small amount of food I'm having. chew that dried fruit or it will make my bag blow up. Later in the evening my temperature rose. I cannot afford an infection and I start getting paranoid

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Sunday 26th

Feeling better by the hour. My rise in temperature last night amounted to nothing thank God.

I've decided to call my stoma Bob and I'll have to look after him pretty well. Up to now he's just like a baby, having to tend to him every couple of hours to stop the bag overflowing

Been out for 2 walks to the Huntsman entrance to get some sunshine. Beautiful day however the the 3rd walk to get better phone reception felt almost too far.

Just going through the list

Learn how to inject myself in the stomach to stop blood clots


Last intravenous antibiotics and cannula out


Tomorrow hopefully it's drain out (ouch?)

Practical exam with the Stoma Nurse to prove I can cope on my own


Club note

Westfield claim

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