Back To Work

1 minute read time.

Thursday 24th May

Well I have been off  work for 10 weeks after having surgery and have just completed my second session of chemo so I know reasonably well what to expect in the way of side effects. I have been predicting feeling sick all week and tired towards the end of this week prior to picking up again over the weekend. With this in mind and the likelihood that I will feel even worse towards the end of my 12 sessions due to the build up toxins, it makes sense that if I'm going back to work then I should do it now whilst I feel reasonably well. So after discussions with my boss we have agreed that I return with a totally flexible working pattern that allows me to come and go as my condition and treatment regime allows.

So Monday after a visit to Weston Park to get disconnected I went back to work and was greeted with immense warmth from everyone on the shop floor and offices. I'm extremely humbled by the reception especialy for a senior manager from the troops at the sharp end. Bob's pouch has been a bit of a problem because of having to tuck my shirt into my trousers so the only way around it was to ease some of my shirt out creating a bit of a hammock for it to rest in.

 I have felt pretty sickly throughout the week and have had a fair amount of pain in my lower abdomen however it now feels slightly better. I am tired but I had a good 11 hours sleep last night plus the 'pins and needles' reaction to cold has almost gone but on the other hand my PICC arm is aching like Billio and my nose has been bleeding slightly. So as you can gather I'm not 100% but at least I'm getting on with it and managing some useful tasks at work with the help of Kevin and Pat. I had forgotten how stressful the job was which was confirmed with a big smile from Kev when he knew I was coming back.

Tonight it's off to the quiz night with the lads, that is if Bob stops girgling and farting. Oh and I was going to post a nice picture of him on the blog but Sue forbids it saying "Dale, it's a step too far and if you do I will be mad"
