Acceptance and Preparation

1 minute read time.

19th March

It's been a week since I hit my lowest point when my op got postponed. Since then I've had another consultation through the NHS, another pre op assessment and plenty of fresh air to clear my head. I have had a few walks including one on Saturday with Graham then yesterday we went over to Andrew's and Micky's house in Shipley Country park for dinner. It was just a shame I was on a low fibre diet in prep for my op. Only meat, potatoes and Yorkshire pudding for me but it was good never the less. Later we had a stroll down to the local pub for some liquid nourishment which was excellent.

In a way the past week has been a bit of a holiday away from the stress of work and gaining a quiet acceptance of what I have and what we have to do to get it sorted including the possibility of a temporary stoma and depending on lymph node biopsies, chemotherapy. I'm comfortable about the whole thing including watching a similar operation (Lower Anterior Resection) on Youtube just to see what the surgeon is up against.

Today is another big day having started my  first bowel prep (Picolax) at 08.00 and at 12.45 I'm still waiting for something to happen. I thought I would be shitting through the eye of a needle well before now. I've had nothing at all to eat today however I could have had a low fibre lunch before 12 but with nothing happening I'm not wanting to add to the problem. I've trimmed the front lawn and will trim around my old man later. I need it to be nice and neat and presentable prior to to the work being done including fiddling about with my todger to insert the catheter. There's more bowel prep to take at 2pm this afternoon so things need to get moving pretty quickly otherwise there could be an almighty mess.
