The last month - a bit of background

3 minute read time.

So I'm a 51 year old male from the UK, overweight but generally well.  Yes High Blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes, but normally no aches and pains etc.

During April and May I noticed a reduction in my urine flow, needing to pee more urgently and getting up every 90 mins - 2 hours in the night to go to the loo.  

I get a prostate blood test every 6 months, so wasn't worried about prostate cancer, but did wonder about an enlarged prostate - the symptoms fitted. 

Went to the the GP 20th May 2024, they said yep sounds like an enlarged prostate, no other concerns, so referred me to Urology.

Fortunately I have healthcare through work, so I quickly booked an appointment and met with the urologist on Fri 31st May 2024 (I’d picked a prostate specialist).   We had a little chat, he did the digital rectal exam, said all felt fine so probably enlarged prostate and referred me for an ultrasound and urine flow test.  

Ultrasound was on Saturday 8th June and I really wasn't worried.  Radiographer was great and then asked when my folllow up was booked for.  I said I'd yet to book and he said I'd encourage you to book early next week, ideally be good to see your consultant Monday.

So, fear of god in me.  I did a lot of chasing round and got booked in for Monday. 

So, on Monday 10th June 2024 I saw the consultant and he informed me that I had a 7cm mass in my bladder.  So then a whirlwind of CT Scan (Chest, Pelvis and abdo) 13/06 and MRI 18/06 then follow up with consultant on Thur 20th June.

So on 20th June the MRI results weren't back, but he said the CT confirmed that it was cancer, no initial signs of any spreading and that I needed a biopsy (TURBT) to find out more.

On Wed 26th June I had my 1st TURBT at St. John’s and St. Elizabeth, St. John’s Wood.   All went well and I came back to the ward with a drain and 24 hour flush.  No pain (apart from when the catheter was removed - ouch) and clear urine by the time I left after my one night stay.

Consultant updated me that he had been able to get most of the tumor, but not all as being overweight it made pelvis access hard.  He then dropped the bomb shell that the MRI results were back and that it was T3 - Muscle Invasive.  I was praying we’d stay in the lower T’s.

He siad that I was probably looking at Bladder removal (RC) and chemotherapy, but that he was referring me to Professor John Kelly and he would help plan my path, once the histology data was back.

So, must admit a couple of emotional days and then I managed to see the Prof on Tue 2nd July 2024.

The Prof is amazing and talked me through the histology and MRI results.  

Bad news was that it was confirmed as a high grade cancer (High grade urothelial carcinoma) which was on my ‘please god no list’ but then some more positive (hopefully news).  we have a different of opinion on T stage.  So the MRI is flagging T3, but the histology suggests T1.  

Professor Kelly explained that because of the size of the tumor the MRI could be distorted and therefore wrong, but also because of my size and the fact not all the tumor could be removed there is a possibility that it is T3 and the histology just isn’t covering all needed locations.

As such, my next TURBT is booked for Tue 16th July 2024 in the London Clinic.  That should then give the prof all the info he needs to shape a treatment plan.

I’m focusing on my weight (1st off since last TURBT) and blood sugars (almost always in range now) to try and do my bit :-) 

  • Well done on the weight loss and really hope for good news for you on it being a lower grade I have my first turbt on Wednesday the 10 so have lots of feelings going through me about what outcome will come from that but just taking in one step at a time keeping my fingers crossed for better news for both of us stay strong