Side Effects of Treatment

1 minute read time.

Hi Everybody, I notice Admin have a Q & A slot happening on 1st August. Members are being invited to ask a question of the Macmillan nurse on side effects of treatment.

I thought it would be a good idea to start up a thread of our own on this subject. I have always thought that there should be leaflets available on the possible side effects of all treatments. At least you could set your mind at rest if you knew what you were experiencing was a side effect as opposed to a symptom of cancer.

There have been loads of questions I have always wanted answered. A couple of them I have seen posted on the thread already.

I thought it would be good if we had somewhere to come to to compare notes and get some advice. I know that already happens on the site, but I think it tends to be on the individual groups. This would be a thread open to everyone who has a query regarding side effects.

One question I noticed on the thread set up by Admin is one that I have always been interested in. This relates to a lady who has had a lumpectomy who feels lopsided. I have a particular problem with that also. I find when I am wearing tops which are a bit low cut, my bra tends to overlap on the side I had the surgery. My bra is really loose on that side and I have wondered about having bra inserts to even myself up. I have access to a magazine called Ameona Life which is produced solely for breast cancer patients and they sell bras and swimwear for mastectomy patients. They do sell inserts for bras, but they cost about 138 pounds upwards. Not something I can afford. I wondered if anyone in the same position has found something cheaper and let me know.

I really hope you will use this thread to post any questions you have that others may be in a position to help with.

Best wishes to all.

Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Don't know if it will help, but I asked my BC nurse whilst at the hospital for one of these and she took me into a side room and showed me a few different types and tried different ones until we found the best fit for me. She was amazing and I now feel much more confident in my clothes. I would advise you to just ask, they may be able to help you.

    p.s. the one I was given is about 130 odd pound on the amoena website! Hope you can get sorted out. Good Luck x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Pixie, I never thought of asking at the hospital.

    Christine xx