Appointment Delayed

1 minute read time.

Does anyone know the government guidelines on timescales for being seen at outpatient clinics?

The reason I ask is that I was due to have my annual appointment at the breast clinic in October. My last appointment was in September 2009. I have received a letter delaying my appt until January 2011.  I phoned the consultant's secretary and asked her to fit me in sooner as it will be 16 months since I was last seen and she said that the management services have told the secretaries no appointments are to be rescheduled and that I am lucky as some appointments have been delayed until February and March. Oh how lucky do I feel????  She also stated that some clinics have actually been cancelled completely.

The same thing happened last year. I was due to be seen in August and my follow up appointments were six monthly at the time, but I received a letter putting my check up back until February 2010. I phoned and complained that it would be a year since I had been seen instead of six monthly and the secretary managed to fit me in for September.

I am wondering if there is anyone I can speak to to try to get my appointment brought forward to nearer the time I should have been seen. I don't know who to contact and any advice would be gratefully received.

Christine xx 

  • FormerMember

    I'm sure its 18 weeks but dont quote me on that. There should be guidelines on the net for your local hospital. If not try to google it.

    Tiggs x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks everybody, I don't have any particular concerns at the moment, just that I would like to be seen when I am supposed to. I am truly expecting them to delay the next appointment also as this is what seems to be happening to a lot of people I know.

    I am glad that I am down to annual appointments, but before I know it that will be two yearly.

    Thanks again for your input guys.

    Christine xx