Appointment Delayed

1 minute read time.

Does anyone know the government guidelines on timescales for being seen at outpatient clinics?

The reason I ask is that I was due to have my annual appointment at the breast clinic in October. My last appointment was in September 2009. I have received a letter delaying my appt until January 2011.  I phoned the consultant's secretary and asked her to fit me in sooner as it will be 16 months since I was last seen and she said that the management services have told the secretaries no appointments are to be rescheduled and that I am lucky as some appointments have been delayed until February and March. Oh how lucky do I feel????  She also stated that some clinics have actually been cancelled completely.

The same thing happened last year. I was due to be seen in August and my follow up appointments were six monthly at the time, but I received a letter putting my check up back until February 2010. I phoned and complained that it would be a year since I had been seen instead of six monthly and the secretary managed to fit me in for September.

I am wondering if there is anyone I can speak to to try to get my appointment brought forward to nearer the time I should have been seen. I don't know who to contact and any advice would be gratefully received.

Christine xx 

  • FormerMember

    I had wrong appointments and then 8 week delay as my GP did not put the facts in his letter, rang up Pals at the hospitol told them the problem, and said how worried I was, and this was tuesday I had an appointment for the thursday, all is now fine , but understoofrom pals that consultants do have empty slots for emergency patient and if he thnks you should be seen will fit you in. So give it a go. hope you get there xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine,

    You are looking after your own welfare,and to ask why your appointment was delayed you have every right. As you know a few months can make a lot of difference. So keep at them until you get your appointment. All the best.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    If you have some cause for concern, you can always go back to your GP and start the whole 2 week wait process all over again.


  • FormerMember

    hell some of you have it hard for sure....dam

    i am so lucky because i can just turn up any thursday and ask to see one of my specialists.....

    or if need be i can just pop into castle hill nr hull and ask to see saffy or dr di silva ..

    they shouldnt make you wait christine....have you ever tried to just turn up out of the blue and tell them you need to see someone ?

    i hope they can sort you out much much sooner then next year....

    they should see you in october when your due to be seen....

    hugs as allways..


  • from what I know there are no guidelines re appointments once your out the other end so to speak.

    you may need to write and ask why clinics have been cancelled and why appointments cannot be rescheduled.

    If its to say money then I don't understand as wages still have to be paid so no real saving by not having them doing clinics.

    guess it depends how much you are prepared to complain.

    good luck
