The day has finally come.

Less than one minute read time.

Sadly, the jury is in, and the verdict...…..A second dose of Oesophageal Cancer.  This time no chemo or radiotherapy options are available to me.  My consultant has said that there is a very small chance that the GI surgeon will consider me for surgery, but I now have to wait a further week before my appointment to consult with him.  

Now just awaiting a PET Scan and another Gastroscopy test to determine staging, but at the moment its palliative care only, with an estimated sentence of 3 to 12 months if I'm lucky.

Definitely a visit to my GP tomorrow for some 'happy pills'.

Sad and Terrified!

  • Christine, I'm sorry to hear that, what was your first experience with oesophageal cancer, how long ago and what treatment did you get. Certainly helps on the happy pills at least until you get a clear picture. Good luck and kind regards Frank.

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear your news my husband has had chemo surgery which didn't work just finished chemo and radiotherapy six weeks ago still feeling really bad no appetite losing weight ihe is in a bad place the now do antidepressants work to help his mood it's such terrible cancer we are trying to work things as we feel we have just been left to get on with it with little help any advice would grateful hope things improve for you  good luck 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Frank and Hap60

    My first dose was in May 2007 when  I had chemo and radiotherapy for my Squamous Cell T3 N1.  I was amazingly luck and have been extremely healthy for 11 years, until now.  Unfortunately I can't have any more radiotherapy because of the damage already done by previous radiotherapy treatments, in 2000 for breast cancer, then again in 2007 for Oesophageal cancer. I could have palliative chemo, but that would only hold in back whilst I had it.  

    Hap60, I'm so sorry to here of your husbands problems.  My husband used to constantly tempt me with all types of food, he also used to make me lots of fruit and veg juices.  My favour being a carrot zinger,  Carrot, Apple and Ginger.  yummy and nutritious.

    I've only been on my 'happy pills' for two days.  The first dose made me feel very sick and trembly.  Todays wasn't quite so I'm hopeful that the side effects will improve (I'm taking Sertraline).  Doc says they will take a few weeks to kick in, but I already feel slightly more relaxed. Probably a placebo affect, but who cares.

    Best wishes to you both.
