March 2010

Less than one minute read time.

Well, here we are again......STILL HERE and loving life.

March has been semi quiet with the weather dull and very VERY wet. Had a few good nights out with friends.

Still not finished my web site but made myself a promise to get down to it when I get back from China.

All my veg seedings are up.  Far to many again, so plenty to put around to friends and family.

No chocolate for me this Easter because I had to go on a crash diet.  Yes, I know that crash dieting is bad for me but, what the heck. 

I've also had to do a very strick exercise regime to help with the weight loss and give me some small chance of doing my Great Wall walk and enjoying the outdoor delights that Chine has to offer. I just have to blow my own trumpet because at the moment I am lossing nearly a pound a day and hopefully I will be under 11 stone by the time we leave on 20th April.  The first time in 2 and a half years....yippeee.

Off to Taunton with my best friend tomorrow to do some holiday shopping.

Getting very excited! 6 days to go.



