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Damn Damn Damn , S**t S**t S**t and evil thoughts to the whole of Iceland!!!!!!!!

My holiday is ruined and I'm DEVESTATED.  I'm just numb.  All that planning destroyed..........and maybe £5k down the drain (If my insurers dont pay up).

Cant stop crying.

  • FormerMember

    dam and dam again...

    you was booked to go on holiday by plane and now theres no flights...


    im sure youl get a full refund christine was watching the news earlier on and they were saying people will get a full refund or be able to re book for a later date

    try not to cry christine....i dont want you to be sad


    though i guess i would feel the same way.

    big hugs xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Aww Christine...im so sorry...i would be devastated too...im going away in 9 weeks and ive just heard it could take months for the dust to disperse...if i have to cancel another holiday it will break my heart...i hope you get a refund and can rebook soon...take care...love Sharon xxx

  • FormerMember

    Really sorry your plans have been wrecked but hopefully not for long (easy to say, i know, when you haven't been looking forward to it for ages). Hope you're sorted soon and can get away.

    Love Karen xx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry I don't know you but saw your post. People at work were due to fly this weekend for holidays - they have been offered full refunds or the chance to rebook at a later date. I know its hard when you have spent so much on a holiday and you are so desperate for a break - but it is far safer for the airlines not to risk the many of thousands of lives by flying. I read a piece in the Mirror earlier this week about a pilot who had got caught in an ash cloud where all 4 engines stopped. He managed to get 3 engines restarted once they glided through the ash cloud - but he says he hoped he never had to do it again as he no control of the plane and all he could think of was his 263 passengers.

    Hoping you will soon be able to get away soon xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts. Just couldn't stop crying this morning but went out for a lovely 5 mile walk down the country lanes with my husband and I'm feeling a bit more together now.

    Tomorrow (Monday) I will phone my insurers and see what I can claim back, then to my travel agents and see what and when they can rebook.  The main problem is going to be that some of the hotels will be fully booked or will not have the room available that I wanted.  

    Feeling a bit guilty at making such a fuss when there are so many people suffering far worse problems than a canceled holiday.  


    Christine. xxxx