August 2012

2 minute read time.

I can't believe that I've not posted for such a long time. 7 months, I think.

Its now the start of August 2012, and I've had quite a quiet year so far.  Spend from January to June completing my Beauty course at Bridgwater College.....and loving every minute of it, even though I was by for the oldie in the class.  It's so nice to be with the young people, their enthusiasm for life and new experiences is very infectious.  I'm now very busy with my own home salon under the name of Given Holistic Beauty, you can find me on facebook.  After 2 years at college I thought I might take some time out to establish my business, but then again, I might just pop back to do a teacher training course which would then allow me to teach from my home salon.

The weather has been so appalling this year.....rain on biblical proportions.  Hence a great lack of exercise and an increase in weight.  I did try Slimming World which was very helpful and I lost half a stone, but I stopped going because I was too busy with work and college, and the weight is slowly creeping back on.  I have a cold virus at present so have been comfort eating throughout the weekend.....and enjoying it.

I did not want a long haul holiday this year so we have had a long weekend up north to see relations and a family wedding, and just got back from a weeks holiday on Bryher in the Scilly Isles which was beautiful and very peaceful.

I'm very pleased to say that my dear mum is still battling on (she has CLL) even though she rarely leaves her house, and even her bed these days.  The stress of worrying about her, and running back and forth to her has caused some upset between my sister and I, who, at present are not talking to each other, consequently all the caring has to be done by me.

My health continues to be good, in spite of the lack of exercise, although I do suffer some pain in the chest, particularly if I talk to much......which is usually quite often.

I remember 5 years ago when everyone was celebrating getting the Olympic games, I was thinking that not in my wildest dreams could I expect to still be alive in 2012, since I had a prognosis of 2 years maximum. So as everyone was cheering and clapping, I was crying.  At that time, I asked for two things.  1. To be alive and feeling well to see the Olympic opening ceremony and 2. to still be alive and well to see my youngest sons turn 21 on 30th October 2012.  Well, goal number one has been achieved, and I am getting close to goal number two, so I had better start thinking of some more goals.  I think my next goal is to see India again, as that is my favourite place in the whole world......apart from the Brownsea Island and the Somerset Levels.

Looking forward to an Indian summer in good old GB.

I'll try to upload of pic of my Salon. Not sure if it will work as I'm not to good at the computer.

to be continued.....
