August 2010

Less than one minute read time.

Starting to feel like a yoyo.  Up one minute then crashing back down. My emotions are in a turmoil.

Mum health and state of mind is declining but we're still unsure just how long she has got left.  Last week she had a heart attack. Went into Taunton Hospital where they put in 3 stents to keep her valvues open.  She's now back home and feeling quite good but very weak, and another ton of tablets to take.  She still expects me to be able to run back and forth looking after her and its getting emotionally and physically harder and harder for me to not tell her how much pain I'm in.

Have done some lovely coastal walkes with my husband this month and had 3 days in London with a friend.  Went to the National Gallery, Covent Garden and Hampton Court.  Had a lovely time but it has shattered me. 

My spine is now very painful and I'm continually stuffing paracetamols. I've promised myself that I will find the time this week to get it checked out with my GP.

Looking forward to starting College on 13th September but very nervous about being able to cope.

  • FormerMember

    its easy for me to say and i bet its hard for you to do christine..

    But you Must look after yourself as well....

    Dont you go doing to much...

    all you can do is your best...

    you need to get the mac nurses of the district nurses or some other people to help care for your mum and give you a break at times..

    dont you dare do to much....

    theres got to be people out there to help..

    you must go to collage must live your life...

    i hope you can get some help and support sorted out soon....

    and lets hope things pick up for yur mum....

    all the best and post up if you get sorted out with some help...

    hugs   xxx

  • FormerMember

    hi christine i am also a carer for my mum who has terminal oesophegal cancer .i dont think people who arent carers appreciate how tiring a job it is.i  am looking after mum and my stepdad who mum was carer to before becoming ill as well as looking after afamily .you really need to step back and find time for yourself even if its only ten minutes here and there please go see a doctor because you will only get worse if you try to be a carer if your not well your self take care love passionflowerxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine,

    Have you thought about getting on to your Mums Hospital and finding out if she needs a Carer or a district nurse. Its worth a try. Dont forget you have yourself to look after,no point in you getting ill.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Thank you everyone for your kind replies.  I'm really OK, I was just having one of my selfish whinges.

    Mum does have a lot of help which was put in place by her wonderful hospice nurse who visits regularly and her Mac Nurse from the hospital.  Unfortunately Mum is becoming very stubborn lately and keeps telling her carers,who call in twice a day, that there is nothing for them to do and she does not want them there.  Then she keeps phoning them and canceling their visit........telling them that she has lots of family to do everything for her.

    It probably sounds really horrid but sometimes I don't believe what she tells me anymore.  Even to the extent that I did not take any notice when poor mum was lying on her sofa telling me how much pain she had in her chest and back.  It was the very next day she had her heart attack!  (Now on a massive guilt trip!)

    Managed to book a GP appointment for myself on 14th September to try and get some answers for the pain in my spine.

    In the meantime its yoyo emotions time again tomorrow (7th Sept) when I have to take mum for her oncology appointment.

    When I read all your profiles I feel guilty about the fuss I make.  We all have our cross to bare and I dont seem to be carrying mine very graciously.

    Thanks once again to Passionflower and Sarsfield, and yet again a BIG thank you and hug to Graeme who's courage has inspired my over the last two years.


  • FormerMember

    hi christine dont worry we all have times when we need to get our feelings out there ,that is why i like this site so much because you can let your feelings out to people going through the same thing dont be so tough on yourself we all have off days  when we just feel like climbing under the duvet and hoping it will all go away keep your chin up we are thinking of you xxxxxx