6 months later.

1 minute read time.

I dont believe it!  I've been so busy that 6 months have flown by without me noticing.

Mum is still alive and kicking.  She recovered well from her heart attack last August but mentally and emotionally it did take its toll on her.

I'm half way through my college course (Complementary therapies, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology)  which I'm enjoying and hating at the same time.  My brain cells are so slow that any assignment that should take 6 hours usually takes me about 3 full days. I'm starting to fret about exams which start in May, particularly my practicals as I need to remember around 50 latin names for plants, plus their theraputic properties.

My health has been quite good over the winter but I do have troubles with my back, which clicks and bangs when I'm doing a treatment.  I have so many treatments to do that my back, arms and hands hurt like hell at the end of the day.  This is definately the longest, and maybe the toughest challenge I've ever put on myself.

Just looking forward to finishing college in July and being able to get out there and drum up a bit of business.  Also in desperate need of a holiday, putting feelers out for Australia and NewZealand - might like to do a mobile home so that we have the freedom to go wherever we want. - health permitting of course.  I've still never been to Singapore, so a stop over for a couple of days would be good.  We're hoping to go in September, when it wont be to hot.

The family are all healthy and doing well in their work, so thats one thing less I need to worry about..

I'm looking forward to the weather becoming a bit brighter and warmer here, which might encourage me to go out for a few more walks down the country lanes and help with my fittness levels.  I've put on a few pounds over the winter, and would really like to loose a stone before the summer.  (dream on - haha)

Dafs are up in the garden, and it should only be a couple of weeks before they're in flower.....a beautiful time of year.  But then, every time of year is beautiful to me.




