Chemotherapy vs hormone therapy for advanced prostate cancer

1 minute read time.
Posted 27 September 2014 09:52:04(UTC) I am new to this site and would be very grateful for help and support from anybody who is in the process of making, or has made, the decision to opt for hormone or chemotherapy My father is 79 and was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer with bone and lung metastasis in October 2013. His treatment to date has been managed with shared care between his GP and the urology department of our local hospital - hormone injections and bicalutimade. Unfortunately the cancer is now resisting the hormone therapy and his PSA level has started to increase. Yesterday we had a consultation with his oncologist and after a brief review of his case were asked to select either further hormone therapy or chemotherapy. We were told the likely side effects of each treatment and that either would be effective. The hormone therapy would probably be effective for 6 -9 months then the option of chemo would be available as long as he is still strong enough. The chemo would be 10 sessions of Docetaxal every 3 weeks. At the moment my father is fit and physically strong with no unpleasant symptoms or pain. Our dilemma is would it be better to opt for the chemotherapy while he is still strong but possibly spoil his current standard of life or opt for the hormone therapy which I think will be Abiraterone Is chemotherapy suitable or advisable for patients in their late 70's? We understand there is no definitive answer and everybody reacts differently but if anyone has been through a similar scenario or is currently having either treatment I would love to hear your experiences. Thanks in advance Una
  • FormerMember

    Evening Una,  The very best place to ask this question would be the Prostate Group which you can find by clicking the green text link - then select 'Join this group' and pasting in the above text as a New Discussion and introduction.

    You may get some replies to this, but as it is a blog post there is a chance that most who could help you may not get to read it as they stick with their own cancer specific groups.

    Hope this helps, if you do get stuck navigating the site until you get more used to it - There is a "Help' button at the top of the page.

    Take care, George & Jackie (breast group)

  • FormerMember
    Thank you very much I'll do that now Una