Why Chemo and Herceptin together?

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Hello Can anyone tell me why I have to have chemo with Herceptin. None of my nodes were positive and my pet scan clear. As I am HER2 positive I know I that need Herceptin which is licensed to go with chemo. Why can't I just have the Herceptin on its own? Why compromise my immunity? Any ideas? Thank you Cathy
  • FormerMember

    Hi Cathy, NICE will only allow Herceptin to be used in conjunction with some specific chemotherapy drugs - mostly Taxane types.

    Herceptin is around £1.300 per dose (it was the original postcode lottery cancer drug) and the course is usually 18 sessions, so to get the full benefit from it, the only reliable figures are from the trials which used Herceptin 'with' chemo. Seeing as there is no proof it will be as effective without chemo you can only have it the way NICE recommends it.

    Until trials and resulting figures from using Herceptin only have been undertaken this is the only way of getting it :-(

    It is a worthwhile treatment though as HER2 receptive cancer cells are on the aggressive spectrum.

    Hope this helps answer your question.

    Take care, G n' J breast group)

  • FormerMember

    Hi G n J

    Thank you for your response.

    Has anyone ever challenged this decision? It seems so unfair that I have to have the chemo when we all know that chemo does so much damage but I need the Herceptin.

    I have sailed through my 1st chemo without too many problems but as I am off work and have been since my diagnosis I was rested and am able to rest completely.

    I had misunderstood the instructions with the tablets I was given and thought I was only to take they if I actually felt any sickness which I did not. Therefore it was only afterwards that I realised that I hadn't taken my steroids and still has a very easy ride through my initial Herceptin and 1st FEC.

    Will this have any effect on my future treatment?

    Thank you
