My Chemo journey

1 minute read time.

1st chemo was much rougher to start with than I thought. Had sentinal node and port surgery two days before (which my bc nurse thinks may have contributed to how I coped after the 1st chemo).

Felt nauseous and tired - well wiped out really for almost 5 days. I have 2 children, 6 and 9 and they were really good but I wasn't much use to them over these days. Had started to feel down about being so useless and didn't realise that it would get better. I though I was going to be like that for the whole thing! Phew. Maybe I can cope with it after all.

BC nurse says we can tweak things to try to make it a bit easier next time too.

Day 6 began to function almost normally.

Day 14 tired and feeling sad/ teary.

Day 15- tired- went out to buy a wig. Lost a bunch of pubic hairs this morning- had a bit of a cry. BC nurse reminded me that we didnt 'cold cap' down there so felt a bit better.

Not entirely sure about the wig thing but have bought one and put in in my cupboard for the time being. Feel a bit reassured that if I do lose my hair, I have something to cover up.

  • FormerMember

    Day 16 and 17- worried I was coming down with something. Feeling shivery and cold/ hot. Not much like eating.  Made myself eat and went to bed early.

    Day 18- feeling better today. Thank goodness. No sign of a cold thankfully.

    Got itchy feet. Not sure what to do with that.