Days 25 - 40

Less than one minute read time.

Well that has gone so quickly and sorry for not updating.

1. The chemo wore off gradually - tiredness and nausea not as bad as last time and subsided until week 3.  By which I felt nearly normal.

Hot flushes continue but I'm back onto magnesium at bed time and I think it helps so they are there but less intense.

2. The final radiation went uneventfully. 

3. The branchytherapy was not pleasant - the thing the use is very large and hurt a lot going in. Then a week of bladder twinges and some diorreah that came and went.

Now I'm 10 days past the poos have returned to normal and even a few hard ones. The bladder is not hurting but I need the loo often but hopefully that will improve over time. 

I hope this helps a little when I was starting I couldn't really find out much about how it would be. 
