with noodles in my head, and nodules in my lungs....the road continues...

1 minute read time.

saw Dr Hogg at Burnley yesterday.....the lung biopsy showed that it is my breast cancer that has spread..

starting chemo on Friday...they are tablets called..capecitabine and vinorelbine...I haven't had this type of chemo...and i may not lose my hair..so that will be nice...

what won't be nice...I've had the lung drain in a few weeks now and the stitches are out...it's comfy and easy to drain....may now have to be removed, something about it being seen as a 'foreign body' and getting infection....

what will be nice...the chemo will also circulate around my noodle brain and if there are any naughty noodles left up there then they'll get chemo'd as well....

more nice stuff..my macmillan nurse is arranging for me to visit the hospice on Monday's so i can meet other people...and they also do stuff like massages and reiki..( not sure what that is though )...but it sounds good...

the ball gown is comimg along...slowly...cos I've still got steroid eyes....but it looks more like a dressing gown....!!

I've been able to exercise my legs a bit...it really scared me when i fell over...i sleep downstairs now and only go up when it's daylight and i'm proper awake....

i don't mind though cos my settee is the comfiest on the world.....and you know what.....last night i had the best 'dream' ever....my nana was sat with me all night, in her rocking chair, right next to me...cos that's what nana's do..........onwards and upwards.......


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jackie

    All the luck in the world with the new chemo and hope it does the job, particularly if there are any noodles hiding!  I think a crushed velvet dressing/ball gown sounds wonderful and visions of you floating around your domain looking very much like a 40's film star in all your glory!

    Reiki is wonderfully relaxing.  They don't actually touch you but hold their hands just above you and it's like getting a lovely warm hug as the heat that eminates from their hands is quite surprising.  Almost as nice as dreaming about Nana!

    Hope the legs improve soon and I'm sending you some of my spoons you wonderful, courageous person you.

    Much love and squidgy hugs,

    Nin xxxx

  • Hi Jackie

    the very best of luck with the chemo and here's to zapping noodles where ever they may be hiding they don't know who they are messing with.

    Dreams of a lovely Nana so comforting 

    I hope your legs get stronger and that you meet lots of friends at the hospice

    I am sure you will finish your ball gown or dressing gown but whatever it turns out to be it will be something you have created and made yourself I couldn't even make a nightie which I started at age 11 and never finished when I left school

    I have done a lot of complimentary therapies training and amongst them Reiki  I'm sure you will find it very relaxing sorry I don't live near you as would pop round and give you tasters of them all see which you like the best 

    Big Hugs



  • FormerMember

    Hiya Jackie...just surfaced from a fog so am a bit behind with things but wanted to wish you luck with your chemo.    I go to a hospice on Tuesdays and its great they even have a jaccuzzi there as well as all the therapies plus you get to know some lovely people as well,we are even offered an alcoholic drink before lunch...whats not to like about all that    I hope you enjoy it XXXXXXX    Colette

  • FormerMember

    many thanks everyone for your support......

    lots of love and hugs to all on our own little roads.......

    with nana's and grandads.....mumsie's in a flap...(she's a bit better now..!!)

    ball gowns and womble pants....

    shiny things and spoons.....

    jackie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello there Jackie,

    So the ballgown is coming along but it's now going to be a ball/dressingown, sounds good to me. I think it's a fab idea, swanking around in your red crush velvet piece, lounging around in your big comfy sofa, bliss.

    I had capacetabine but not the vinorelbine and it is a bonus to have no hair loss eh. I have everything crossed tightly along with the rest of us here, that it will zap any naughty noodles to hell.

    Those massages and reiki sound yummy hmmmmmmmm very relaxing, lie back and enjoy. I love the nanna dream, it's nice to feel warm and snuggly and loved. So may the happy dreams continue.

    Love and hugs

    Take care


    Jan xxxxxxxxx