no matter how small..a bit of good news is always nice......

Less than one minute read time.

district nurse came today to drain my tomorrow should be a good breathing day....

it's 5 days since the radiostactic  radiation therapy I had and she said that my head will be most swelled up now and should start to ease off soon...

my forehead is looking a bit 'tanned' as well......

but...good news....apparently when i start chemo for my may heal up the gap in it a bit and i might not need it draining  as much...

We all need things to look forward to....whether they happen or not.....

I thought that being able to drive again would be the best.....going for a walk in the park with my dog.....

going to a parents evening with my kids.....

these are my goals at the little step at a time......

love and hugs .......

jackie xxx

(thankfully, back from her dark place)


  • FormerMember

    Hey Jackie,

    Hope you are feeling a bit more comfortable now and your head not too sore. You know you really should start using spray tan!! instead of those high tec sunbeds they have at the hospital ;)

    The small steps in life are the most important, they may take longer but you see so much more.

    Here's to reaching those goals

    Love & lots of hugs

    Ruby xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jackie,

    I  will be cheering you on from the side lines to get to do your goals. Though I think parents evenings would be last on my list myself hahaa (teacher... hate them)

    Those high tech sunbeds left me with an interesting square block on my legs... it does fade a bit over time  and I have heard it goes away eventually thoughI'm  not there yet.... Cheap excuse to get new makeup perhaps??? and at least its not orange? hmmm well it was worth a try being positive! 

    have a big hug and glad you are out of the dark place... I am sending you a virtual torch so you won't be in the dark again, and if the batteries run out, I am here to hold your hand and help you back out again... just shout!

    Lots of love and hugs

    Little My xxx

  • Hi Jackie 

    Good to hear your feeling able to look forward to things and the goals you have set are so achievable and I believe you will attain them all

    As LM says I will also be cheering you on even though I have not got the legs for one of those little cheer leader skirts.

    More Hugs coming your way 

    Scraton xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hurrah for any improvement! I hope there will be many more to celebrate.

    - Hilary

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jackie,

    It's going to be very crowded on the sidelines at this rate, because I shall be there also!

    Well done for progress so far!

    Good luck with meeting your goals sooner rather than later.

    More hugs from me,

    Colin xxx