my head was really angry yesterday..............

1 minute read time.

All bloody was shouting and in a really bad mood..........

and everyone was round as well...macmillan nurse...district delivery....mum and dad.......uncle Tom cobbly and all.............!!

My lads came and sat with me last night with a brew....for the first time in months I asked them to leave me sat alone for a bit.....i really didn't want to say stuff i didn't mean....cos it was all there in my head....nasty comments.......

half an hour later, I was feeling better......

I like taking i got my camera and took a load of pics of myself.....they're not nice pictures....I'm only just cracking 6 stone at the moment, I have no bum cheeks whatsoever....well. not much of owt really.......and I could do with a bit of fake tan or something....

Also noticed that my hair is literally greying before my very eyes....that's weird...i didn't think that actually happened for real...!

But that wasn't the point, I'm not bothered what i look like....just as long as I'm still here.....

So i took the the mirror..some dark...some light...none smiling.......different angles and sides...

then i cropped them...and sat and looked at really summed up how I was feeling....basically, pissed off and distant....

But it did the trick...I could put them away in my computer.....where i do have some happy ones as well..!!

Give it a could be of help....if only to be able to file away for a bit.......and pretend.......

I'm ok today...had a lovely dream about shiny things......time to treat myself to some i think......

Jackie  xx



  • FormerMember

    Oh Chansey what can i say     well one thing   beauty is in the eye of the beholder and although we have never met I know you are beautiful inside,but some days its hard telling yourself that when the damned mirror is lieing to you.   I know its no consolation but we all have days like that and just wish the world would go away and leave us alone    thats generally when I have to take my medicine in amber liquid form.....I know I know   not really the best thing to do but what is it going to do kill me ?       So glad you are better today,and who knows we might get to meet up somewhere...and have a good laugh/cry whatever together XXXXXX Colette

  • FormerMember

    Hey why not be angry, we all have times of anger and frustration, I'm sure the boys didn't take offence, and you managed to come out the other end of it, you may have felt a bit of a dilly but there's nothing wrong with that either. I'm new here and I am finding I am spending hours with tears running down my cheeks seeing how strong people are. I am stranded in Portugal at the moment and finding just reading through has helped enormously what did we do before the internet? !!