crushed red velvet and steroids..............

1 minute read time.

I made a start on my ball gown yesterday............using a old simplicity dress pattern I had from school...I rarely throw anything to do with sewing away..I'm the proud owner of the family 'button tin'..and always put in those buttons you get dangling from you new blouses....

I'm a haberdashery addict....saving the ribbon you get wrapped around tea towels...and the little bits that come with other never know, they may come in useful....

I've missed going round the markets lately. for remnants and stuff like that.....until i discovered that you can get it all on amazon.....


I was going to be busy with other stuff today....i'd arranged for someone to come round and measure up for a new with a seat and handles to make it a bit easier for me....

the appointment was sorted and i'd got my son and dad round to help cos i'm not so mobile and a bit spaced out on steroids and pain killers....

so yesterday the rep calls me and just sort of says....'I've booked another appointment, so i will call to your house an hour earlier''.......

just so straightforward for him....''beg pardon' i say,'' then explain my situation and politely tell him to go and blow it out of his ass''

then i called the company, cancelled my appointment and asked them to ring the rep for an explaination....

why do these people think that they can treat a person like that, especially as it is a mobility company that i contacted so they know that the customers are genuine...they must think we are a pushover....

wrong......they under estimate the power of velvet and buttons and shiny things..........(and steroids, ha ha)

  • FormerMember

    Simplicity patterns, that takes me back. Unfortunately my Domestic Science (as it was then) teacher was a horrible, bad-tempered, sarcastic, sadistic old bag*, who completely put me off the subject. Pity, because if there is one useful craft to have, it's being able to make one's own clothes. Judy does all the crafting in this house, and our friend Penny is also keen, so I know all about craft stashes. I give all my bits of ribbon to Judy to add to her collection.

    She probably has a button tin, too. I know my mother did, when I was little. I used to play with them. I was ever so firm about which were girl buttons and which were boy buttons!

    That is really inexcusable of the rep, especially as he works for a company that jolly well ought to know to treat its customers with consideration. I imagine his thinking was that as you're sick, you were bound to be home anyway!

    - Hilary


    * No, I have not modelled myself on her!

  • FormerMember

    Hello Darhling.... ballgown patterns sitting around the house.... and they tease me for being posh!

    Oooh simplicity patterns and shiny things :) that takes me back... I used to make my clothes and my son's when he was little. My mum made all my clothes as a kid which was cool till I was a teenager... i think that was why I started making my own! I am also a craft nut and a hoarder and I have the family button tin too.. something so lovely about button tins.... I used to sew all the time, then moved onto felting and then green woodwork... cancer put a stop to that for a while, but come May, all being well I can weild my axe again :D

    reminds me of the story of the box of bits of string labelled 'string too short to keep'

    I have a shower with a seat and handrails in it.... came with the house. I'm waiting till after my op cos it might be useful then but you are welcome to have it and if I was handy that way, I would come round and fit it for you too... but as I am not, probably best to get a nice caring professional company in to do it. And not a nobhead one.

    hope you find one and well done for complaining to them and not letting them get away with such behaviour! Viva the power of crushed velvet!

     Show us a piccie when its done eh?

    Love Little My xxx

  • Oh button tins my mum had one and I used to play with them the tin is probably buried in the tip of the garage somewhere she also used to save brown paper and string but I'm not sure what for

    Seems like Hils and I had the same domestic science teacher I started a night dress at the age of 11 and still hadn't finished it when I left school she always made me un pick the stitches no matter how neat I thought she was not very fond of me  so I hid her cane so she couldn't thwack anyone else with it

    Can't wait to see your gown please send a pic when it's done.

    Good for you standing up to salesman and false promises they don't deserve your custom

    Big Hugs 

    Scraton xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I thought you might remember the button brings back lovely memories for me....

    if we were off school ill...we went to nana's..and she had a sweet shop....!! she let us play with the buttons......and she made us cheese and egg...done in the oven....I make that my lads, with a big piece of crusty bread..

    domestic science teachers...a rare breed....

    did anyone else make the apron from 5 of your dad's hankies and a long piece of string....!!!!

    love and hugs

    jackie xx

  • FormerMember

    My Mumsy still has a button tin.  When I was at school I was good at the 'cooking and baking' part of domestic science (good job really looking at what I do now) but the needlework part - well let's just say after a few weeks of my inept attempts the teacher asked  if I would prefer to do woodwork instead!  Would I!!!!!!!   I flew down to the workshops as fast as my feet would carry me!

    That salesman so needs a kick up the jacksey!  How rude and inconsiderate of him.

    OMG - LM wielding an axe!  I am sure there is a horror/murder movie in there somehwere, particularly if nobhead and positive thinking lady are around!!!!!

    Much love and squidgy hugs,

    Nin xxxxx