can people help with some questions I have?

Less than one minute read time.

New to this, and not sure where I write things!!!!! I found out two weeks ago I have bowl and liver cancer. Im booked to see an oncologist on Tuesday, but want to know how do you pick a oncologist? Is there any questions that might be good to ask? Like all of you Im a fighter, so need people around me that will fight with me. I did a blogs with some question, but not sure if thats where I write them......Im so looking forward to getting into some treatment so I can kick arse!!!! Bring it on i say lol.

thanks sharon from New Zealand

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    Sorry about your diagnosis, but good on you for wanting to kick arse - so go for it!!!

    The only bits of advice I have are - don't go alone. Take someone to support you and listen for you (I find it's hard to take things in). Also, if you do have questions - have them written down and take a pen and paper.

    Everyone fights differently. When I was going through my treatment I only listened to the doctors (was advised by my surgeon not to go on the internet). But now my Dad is going through it, I find that I need to be armed and ready, so I do ask a lot of questions.


    Jo x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks heaps Jo, got my list ready with heaps of question so far, looking forward to more information coming back. Hope they dont put you on a time frame for the 1st appointment...could be a while. lol


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    Very wise comment from Jo.  She has covered everything you need to do when you meet your Oncologist. I couldnt have advised you any better. All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    You will be able to google your onco to see who he or she is and get a feeling for their experience. When you meet them you will also have a feeling of confidence or otherwise. They will propose a treatment plan for you and you will need to ask questions on that plan. I am sorry to say that this isn't going to be a walk in the park but an important part of the cure is remaning positive. Keep a sense of humour - you will need it. Keep an open mind on friends - many will not just drift away - they will run a mile because they can't deal with the 'C' word. I have had chemo, radiotherapy and major surgery and am now in steady remission - not full remission because you have to do five years for that.

    You can private message to contact me if you want some advice and there are loads of people on here that will help you get through it.

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    You guys rock!!

    list ready....tick

    sense of humour....tick


    daughter #1........tick

    open mind........tick,

    now ready to meet my  oncologist tomorrow. Im banking on him being on my side for heaps of time yet otherwise hes out the door too.

    Thanks Drew, silly question, how do you  private message on here?

    always smiling
