Stage 2 cervical cancer

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Hi I’m new here, Iv recently been diagnosed with stage 2 cervical cancer. I’m 30 and have 2 young children. 

I have been told I’ll be having chemo and radiotherapy, but first iv had to have a ct scan to determine wether the cancer has spread anywhere else. I’m keeping everything crossed atm as initially I was told it was stage 1. 

im so scared as to what will happen next and I have so many unanswered questions.

my consultant and McMillan nurse are brilliant but I wanted to see if I could ask anyone living this on their experiences. 

am I going to loose my hair? How long will this be going on for? What do I need to prepare for? 

thank you xx

  • Hi they have already told me it will be chemo and radiotherapy :) I’m coming to terms with it a little more now. Just got to see if it has spread anywhere else xx

  • Hi I have stage 4 went through chemo not very nice but stick with it I did loose my hair but it has grown back but its curly. 

  • This is my first time in this community. I was 48, with 2 sons (ages 20 and 12) when in 2020 I was diagnosed with Stage IIB cervical cancer. I had a radical hysterectomy, removal of a good amount of lymph nodes, had chemotherapy/radiotheraphy for 6 weeks. The chemotherapy was once a week (so 6 times). I also had brachytherapy (twice). I lost a certain amount of hair, but it wasn't something that was too obvious. When I was about halfway with the chemo/radio, I started having nausea, sometimes in the morning. I was more sensitive to certain smells and that would also trigger my nausea. I was diagnosed in August, and by December I had finished the main treatment. After that I had to go on regular checkups, do tests, labs, PAP, all sorts of tests. I hope this helps and I hope you are ok.