Censorship in the chat room

1 minute read time.

I have just been in the new chat room and found that certain words and expressions are being censored. I am not a fan of swearing or bad language but I do believe that in a chat room it is a person’s right to be able to express themselves freely. People in chat are as able to be trusted to make judgements about what they say and the tone in which they say it as they are in general conversation outside the room. Yes sometime s people upset or offend each other and yes sometimes misjudgements happen but that happens in normal conversation and what else is a chat room if not normal conversation, which is uncensored? It’s not just a word or expression that is or is not offensive but the tone and appropriateness of its usage and in chat, where people often need to share very angry or negative emotions, sometimes it is most definitely appropriate.


We are all adults in chat and while I would never promote offensive or abusive usage of this room I think the majority of the use of the language that is being censored is not the same issue. Everyone can dodge the censor by respelling a word so it goes through anyway but the point is that censoring is discouraging people from having a ‘rant’ or a ‘scream’ that is sometimes the reason some people want to use the room.

I am not saying ‘come on all of you and start to have a good swear!’ and as said I don’t’ particularly like to read it but please comment your agreement if you think that censoring detracts from the nature of a chat room and that it should be restored, with any real issues of derogatory or abusive behaviour to be dealt with separately and I will ask admin to read this blog and its comments and reconsider. It’s also worth commenting that innocent words like popular are being censored for no reason and the feature is upsetting a lot of people using chat.


Thank you for reading!

  • I'm offended by the very fact I'm being censored, in 20 years of using varios chat portals I've not encountered it before, I see no need for it.

  • FormerMember

    i totally agree with the above post. i have never seen anyone swear on here b4. i would be totally offended if someone spoke outta turn to me but this never happens on here. we here for each other. Sometimes we need a good old rant and rave, it helps us. It doesn't help when we are always censored even for words such as popular????? Please can u remove this censorship. I think we all had hard knocks from life with this dreaded disease without bein confined to usin only certain words to explain wot we going through.


    Thanks Admin for your help with this matter

  • FormerMember

    I am afraid I have seen people swear in the chat room - and not just the odd word - but continual - some with the aim of upsetting everyone.  I have used chat rooms that do moderate swearing and members quickly learn what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.  The occasional person has sworn every sentence - and there have been numerous complaints - though I suspect the actual member didn't even realise their behaviour was causing such a stir in whisper!  Moderation was introduced in the chat rooms as bored people logged on (usually during long school holidays!) and invaded the rooms - if you had been there then you would have been glad this censorship was in place!  We do not have hammers in room.

  • FormerMember

    Morning all,

    Firstly - thanks to Littlelis for flagging this. I went into chat this morning and you're quite right, there are some quite normal words, such as 'stayed' which are currently being blocked. 

    I'm pleased to say we've found a fix - so this should be sorted in a matter of minutes. 

    To answer your more general points, we will not be taking off the profanity filter. It's in place for good reason, to prevent abusive dialogues taking place and also to keep trolls off chat. 

    Best Wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Laura,

    You know from our discussions this morning that I disagree with you and James about the filter and its effectiveness.

    I know that you can fix it when it censors the wrong words, but although there are not many swear words used in chat, this disease does sometimes mean that we have to let off steam!

    I have seen abuse in blogs whch was very hurtful to one person and on the most part ther were no swear words used! No filter can prevent that.

    Chatters are mature people who are looking out for each other and if we can't deal wioth the situation then admin come to our rescue. Sorry, but the filter can't stop abuse. So why have it?

    Thanks to you and James for your efforts in bringing the chat room to life again.
