Sticky chemo

Less than one minute read time.
Had chemo last Wednesday and I am still feeling it...nausea, numb tingling feet, tremulous hands, runny nose, can't breath right because of the pleural effusions the chemo is supposed to fix, can only sleep sitting up, can only eat small bits at a time, can only move one room to one room at a time with oxygen on. Ummm...this is not exactly my idea of living, 'ya know? Tired of the abdominal injections, tired of the pills, tired of bothering honey for everything...sigh...
  • FormerMember

    Hi Cella,

    Chemo's horrible. Nobody loves it. But it's not forever is it? Stick with it, love.

    Best wishes, Shelagh

  • Oh Cella,

    You do sound down but like Shelagh says, it's not forever. In my dark times I always remember the phrase "And this too will pass".

    Thinking positve thoughts for you,


  • FormerMember

    When I was in the hospital they had a song with the title, "This too shall pass," and it got me through  some hold-your-breath moments.  It does all pass...we just have to say how tired we are once in awhile to feel better.  Funny how that works.  I go for a tap tomorrow so my breathing should ease a bit.  But I AM tired.

    My gratitude:  Having good folks like you to talk and listen.