Next go-round

1 minute read time.
Monday starts new chemo, carbo and alimpta. I was getting carbo/tax/avista, which was a trial and now I am out of the trial. The alimpta (usually for mesothelioma) is because we can't get rid of the fluid in my lungs. We shall see. I have been tapped about 14 or 15 times so far. About every one and a half weeks. I really can't do very much and haven't been able to do very much for quite awhile now. I walk 30' and I am so winded I have to sit and catch my breath before I can continue, otherwise I feel pretty good...if that makes any sense. I have developed fluid in my ankles again that is not quite going away as easily as the first time around. And of course, because of this I have become very dependant on everyone. And everyone is mostly my honey who does have his moments and I have to watch how 'demanding' I become. I try to group all my 'I needs" and ''can I haves' together so there aren't too many errand runs and too many runs around the house for me. I find the greatest needs I have are the simplest...but the most annoying to others. Like I drop things and I can't pick them up. If you need to find me just follow the droppings. Sometimes I think I have left my reading glasses in one room but I actually brought them into the tv room where my other reading glasses both of them are in the same room but I am in another room and need a pair...and of course, I have to wait until I catch my breath until I can go into the tv room to get a pair. Yes, simple, goofy stuff can be sooooo annoying and sooooo difficult for a carer. ::sigh:: My gratitude: There is someone actually willing to help with all of this...honey.