I'm tired

1 minute read time.
I completed my 9th thoracentesis today. I am pretty tired of them I get sooooooo anxious before them, for anticipated pain, whether it's there or not. My pressure goes sky high, my fingers turn a lovely dusky shade of gray/blue from taking such shallow breaths on top of shallow breaths. My hands shake some and I jump a bit whenever the doc touches me. You would think I would be accustomed to it, but I don't think you ever get used to pain, do 'ya? Today's pain wasn't as bad but I am still somewhat short of breath. They took off 1000cc...there is more in there but i become physically ill when they take more off. The chemo is supposed to lessen the fluid. When? I dunno...'with each chemo treatment' they tell me. Okay, I'm waiting. The last weekend was hardly quality time going from chair to chair and panting like a dog just out for a run! And what quality is it to 'sleep' upright over a table? I tell you, it is like Beelzebub himself running around in our bodies. I told my doc they ought to find a way to use bleach. Bring the bleach to the cancer or make the cancer go get and suck up the bleach. Bleach kills everything. Here's wishing to such an easy cure ... My gratitide for the day: I can breathe easier, even if not breathing great.
  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear about the fluid .... I haven't had any problems since the first drain when I had emergancy surgery but was told it could come back even whilst on the chemo! Glad you can breathe a little easier there is nothing worse than not being able to.

    Wouldn't it be good if such an easy cure was available... lol! Maybe we could sue bleach companies for misrepresentation since it can;t kill the pesky cancer cells !!! Oh for a treatment that doesn;t cause pain or make your hair fall out or reduce you to sleeping in strange uncomfortable positions. One day .... maybe :).

    Sending loadsa love and hugs Cella

    Wendy xxxx

  • FormerMember

    It is amazing how resiliant we are!  Thank you for the love and hugs...sometimes that is all 'ya need   :)