How frustrating

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I called yesterday to get an appointment for Friday to have a thoracentesis so I could breathe normally again. Nothing new or unusual with this request. I get 'tapped' about once a week until this chemo kicks in and I go for longer periods of time until there is zippo fluid to drain off my lungs. Well, I am told there is no appt. open until Tuesday AM. I guess they can't/don't want to squeeze me in any more. I wanted to go tomorrow early. They told me I should go to the emergency room at the hospital. All well for them, that is $150.00 out of pocket if I have to go to the ED for it. And I go once a week. I'm not looking for answers or even support, but sometimes modern medicine just misses the human side of it all. If it wasn't that I like to breathe I wouldn't go at all..