Feeling sad

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Third round of chemo is over and last night was rough...woke up with a headache and feeling quite alot of nausea...awful. I took meds and feel better now. My breathing is pretty good, kinda. Had my weekly thoracentesis. They hurt. Honey isn't coping very well and I am seeing things more clearly these days that I haven't been wanting to see before. And I am sad about it. I don't think we are going to be together in the long run. I have to do things slowly. I have so much to think about. I think I am going to need more support from my care team because I don't think I can do this alone. My gratitude: There is always help.
  • FormerMember

    hi cella have seen a couple of your recent posts. sounds like you might be having a hard time right now. hang in there it is really hard i know but you will feel better as you get further away from the chemo as i'm sure you know. sorry to hear that things aren't going well in other areas of your life as well - so much to deal with at once. hang on in there sending you my best wishes


  • FormerMember

    Sumerra...thank you...we will hold each other up against this nasty piggish cancer.