Battle against Pancreatic Cancer

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I care for my husband who is battling against pancreatic cancer, he has been through so much

he had the whipple operation 2021, then went through 6 months of chemotherapy, he had a year clear then

it came back, had 3 months of chemotherapy, then target Radio. He has been very brave, it’s very hard to watch him

suffer, lost all his hair and went down to 10st. We have been raising funds and are going to Germany for treatment in the battle to save my husband,so he can see his 2 grandsons grow up and get some quality of life back.

    • Hello, I’m sorry for the pain and suffering you are both experiencing! I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer as well 6months ago, had the Whipple and have done 5 chemo treatments with 7 to go… I hope the treatment you’re seeking in Germany will bring him cure!! I have 16 grandchildren and would love to see their lives blossom. 
      Would love to hear if this treatment was successful and if so could you share the contact details with me? Prayers that all went well for your husband and for strength for you Nana C