Raising Awareness: Members Security

2 minute read time.

Hi there, this is my first blog and I felt I had to write it to address a few things that I have found out:

a) When I first joined, I would sign in to read blogs, forums chat etc. Now I find that I only have to sign in to have a chat  or write a blog.

By accident:I found out that I don't need to sign in or even be a member to read any of the forums or blogs or look at photos or videos.

b) I also found out that I could see the names of all members without signing in.

c) I could further match screen names to pictures by browsing through the picture/videos  and felt betrayed, vulnerable and shocked.

I have spoken to a few members in private about this and therefore feel the need to find some way to protect members.

Therefore: I feel that our names should not be added to blogs, forums. Pictures and videos should not be available for full world to see, but members should be more protected otherwise why do we become members?

I have no problem with the site sharing their general information etc, but sharing what we may think is shared between us; to find out that that it is shared by the whole world is in my view a breach of trust and confidentiality.

No wonder the site is now being hacked by fakes and some of us get unwanted emails.

I have closed down emails in this blog settings and configuration of blog as I do not want to be hacked or receive any of these malicious emails as dealing with Cancer is hard enough on a daily basis,without having to deal with people who think it's a laugh for them and get their kicks. 

The people I have spoken to in the chat room about this, know who I am.

Therefore it is not in fear of not showing my name to members that I write this blog, but instead raise your awareness and help get our members better protected.

I further hope that admin read this and are able to do something more to keep us better protected or is the fact, for us to just be careful who we comment on, what pictures we upload and further watch what we write in any blog?  This should not be the case as genuine members are honest with each other, reply to each others blogs etc. But I do feel betrayed as I want to remove some of my photos and cannot do so.

  • FormerMember

    the thing is we could have this site as only viewable to members.....but people could just sign up and become members and get to see everyones posts and photos etc...

    in nearly 2 and a half years iv had my profile up for everyone to see and my pms set as open to anyone, plus photos up and iv not had any problems..i even use my real name ...

    to me its the people on here who you think you know and trust, who turn out to be fakes and pretending to be ill or to be a carer that are the problem...

    its happened a number of times and it will still be happening right now....

    i think the sign up should be more secure , with the mac people keeping all sign in info as private for admin only....

    my name is graeme...i live in scarborough....i have my treatment at scarborough chemo unit and my in hospital stuff at castle hill nr hull...

    of course females allways need to be extra carefull on the internet.....is that 21 year old man really 21 and not in his 40s or 50s.....etc etc...

    then again look at all the cases of men pretending to be women on the internet....

    course this is just my views as i allways say...

    no one has to agree with anything i say...

    after been took for a fool by various fakes on here pretending to be ill or pretending to be a carer its the sign up thing i think needs to be changed..

    hugs  xxx

    you can allways make a private group for stuff you only want to share with your friends as a few people have done...[ though i havent done one ]

    in my experience and from everything i have read and been told.......its chat rooms on the internet were people have to be very carefull.....quite often, you never really know who your chatting to.....and no im NOT meaning the chat room on here in particular i mean all chat rooms on the internet..

    we just need to be carefull at times.....