Breat Cancer, TAC Regime and Hair Loss

1 minute read time.
I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on 3rd November and since then life has become a rollercoaster of hospital appointments and information. I have had a masectomy and received my results on the 4th December when I was told it was grade 3 cancer and that 18 out of the 20 lymph nodes removed contained cancer cells. I was advised I will need Chemo Therapy, radiotherapy and then Herceptin. The Chemo is to be the TAC regime. I have also had a bone scan and CT Scan, the results of which I will get on Thursday. This has been the longest week of my life waiting to find out whether the cancer has spread anywhere else, although I am grateful that the hospital decided to take this action so at least I know where I stand. I am trying to take control of my life by concentrating on the little things like, will I lose my hair during Chemo, should I try scalp cooling, etc. Has anyone out there had experience of either of these things? I know this sounds trivial, but I feel this is one thing I do have control over. My Chemo is due to start on 7th January. Look forward to hearing from anyone. CarolD