I think it's back .....

1 minute read time.

2005 hubby had surgery to correct abdominal aortic aneurysm. Two years recouperation, then diagnosed oesophageal cancer (where meets stomach) in 2009. At first had pre-op chemo only to be told one week before surgery that tests showed his heart wouldn't withstand it.  So (only other option) January 2010 started intensive inpatient course (24 hrs a day)  of combined chemo/radio. Gastroscopy July 2nd showed done well. He had a really positive attitude.  Then July 4 collapsed with what was thought to be a mini-stroke. He lost use of both legs and weakness one hand/arm; couldn't do anything for himself & in hospital 8 miserable weeks. Eventually told condition called 'Functional Weakenss' or Conversion Disorder which can come on with trauma (even patients who have hard birth experiences or post traumatic stress).  He went into a black hole and it's been a long, hard fight back to normality.

Now, August 2011 he's again having almost daily problems with food going down/coming back up.  Even sips of water can produce copious amounts of white frothy phlegm and extreme pain in chest around where the cancer was..

  Have reported update to oncologist who said he'd order camera-down-throat jobbie but being NHS am petrified it will take too long. I'm trying to reassure poor hubby but am so very worried myself. 

While we have faith in oncologist he cannot give us any stats on survival without the surgery.  

  • FormerMember

    morning carolandphil, just wanted to say how sorry I feel for  your husband and you.  Whatever happens, don't sit around waiting too long for appointments and if you have to, ask to speak with oncologist's secretary, explaining how worried you are and need appointment very soon.  I usually find the oncologist's secretary very helpful - I hope the same happens for you.  I sincerely wish you husband all the best. Ann x

  • FormerMember

    thanks nutcracker. I shall definately be chasing them up!!

  • FormerMember

    Hello both - also wish to express how sorry I am that you have yet more bad news to cope with. Having worked for the NHS for fifteen years sadly it can be true that those who shout loudest are heard soonest - so make yourself heard ! I send my very best wishes and healing thoughts to you both.

    Lyn x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol and Phil,

    I agree with Nutcracker, Dont hang about get on to your Oncs sec, and arrange an appointment. They are very helpful.  So I wish you both all the best.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for taking the time to read and reply. I am indeed going to 'shout' but hubby has been long-term taking daily Lansoprazole to 'calm' the oesophagus and seems he has to be off it for 2 to 4 weeks before the 'oscopy can be done.  I just hope he doesn't suffer too much in the interim.