Anyone use Zeolite?

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Any one using Zeolite? I'm currently suffering from soft tissue sarcoma secondary to the lungs and receiving the new chemotherapy drug Yondelis every three weeks. The side effects are bearable which is good. During the recovery period some three days following the treatment we have agreed with my consultant to use the antioxidant product Zeolite which I get off the internet and have been using for couple of years now. Having had two treatments so far the x-ray results appear improved so is the combination of the treatment and the Zeloite helping? Lets hope and see. Has anyone used, using or found any benefit from using Zeolite or any other products from the internet? Carl
  • FormerMember

    I'm really pleased that your x-ray results appear to have improved.

    You're right to wonder whether the Zeloite is helping at all. After all who knows whether progress would be any different (and possibly even better) without it?

    I've scoured the internet for some evidence on this - by evidence I don't just mean anecdotes, I mean the results of scientific, repeatable, statistically-sound, peer-reviewed trials - and to date I've found none.

    What I have found is this note from Cancer Research UK:

    It's clearly your call, but if it were me then I'd ask my consultant:

    - what s/he actually knows about Zeolite;

    - what s/he believes Zeolite might do for my condition, and what s/he's basing those beliefs upon; and

    - what s/he thinks about Cancer Research UK's observation that:

    "There is evidence that some types of zeolite may be linked to mesothelioma, cancer of the covering of the lung.  Researchers have found there is an increased incidence of mesothelioma in the Anatoli region of Turkey, where a type of zeolite is found in the soil.  So there are important questions about whether or not it is safe to take"

    I'd be particularly interested if, like you, I had a problem with my lungs and was advised to take something for which there is evidence suggesting that it might promote lung problems. If you agree, please ask her/him and let us have her/his feedback.

    In any event, I wish you continued improvement, and hope that others will be able to provide us with evidence to support or refute the claims made for Zeolite.



    "One step at a time"