I failed her today

Less than one minute read time.

Not a good day. First the transport didn't turn up, so arrived 1 3/4 hrs late.

Last time they said the surgery got all the cancer, now they say it didn't. I didn't even ask if they meant the womb or bowel.

Then I didn't ask about her CA125 count.

I did manage to ask a stupid question about FIGO re-classifying the stages to which she said she was not up to speed! I feel like punching myself in the head for not asking the questions on the list which for some reason remained in my pocket. 

Another scan in a few weeks then possible RT. 

So non the wiser. 


  • FormerMember
    Do you have a nurse you can contact by phone? You can always ring, and make sure your list of questions is at your side. They will no doubt have to check and call you back, but at least you may get some answers. I have done this myself. It's very frustrating and you feel cross with yourself when you come home. I always go in to appointments with question list in hand now so I don't forget! Good luck with Mimi's next scans xxx
  • FormerMember
    So sorry it didn't go to plan today don't beat yourself up too much we all forget stuff when we're in that situation. Make some calls tomorrow and see if you can get some answers. You're not letting mimi down you're there every step of the way xxx
  • FormerMember

    Thanks guys. 

    Today is another day and got my head straight.

    I forgot to say, I asked what type of OV cancer it was? they said they didn't know! 

    We have a new rise and recline chair for Mimi arriving (to replace the one that's given up the ghost) this morning and guess what? the person who was going to give me a hand removing the old one and setting up the new one has let me down. So going to have to try giving the deliver guy a good drink to bribe him to help me. 

    We will phone the hospital today to see if we can find out what Mimi's CA125 count is at the moment. 

    Hope you have a good day.


  • FormerMember
    Oh gingercat, you could never be called a failure, the strain you are under must be awful! I agree with Miss Sparkle, writing questions down is the best way, and the answers too! I can hardly remember what they told me after my hysteroscopy and of course the explanatory letter hasn't materialised and I wish I'd had a notepad then. Hope you get better news today x
  • FormerMember

    Well we made the call and glad we did, Mimi's CA125 is down from its peak of 11000 to 107 a fantastic reduction, still above the magic 35 but going in the right direction. They also say they are not sure if the "cancer left behind", may be scaring? Mimi has more chemo tomorrow, then they will scan again to see if there is any change in it. So we are now both feeling much better about things. Can I add all you guys as friends please? 
