1 step forward,10 jumps back :o(

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june 7th 2011,feel really down today,am nearly 2 months on from surgery,breast is still healing,back is full of fluid,heads like a box of frogs..feel very selfish for feeling so down,i should be ontop of the world because im still alive,but today cant go quick enough....   :o(

  • We all have our down days and, given what you've been through, you're entitled to throw a wobbly.  I think that at first, when we're going through the treatment we are focused on that but then, a sudden realisation comes over us that we've had a brush with death and yes, the legs go to jelly and the brain is invaded by a box of frogs. Congratulations - you''re normal!

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    As you feel down today I think it would be a good idea to do something very nice for just you!  It needn't be big, maybe a long soak in the bath, light a few candles, do whatever you want to do and accept you''re having a bad day and this day will pass.  Good luck, tomorrow will be a new day.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad

    Aw sorry your having oneof those days, we all get them and yes it is quite normal. That surgery is a huge thing (mine is yet to come) so dont be so hard on yourself, your most definitely not selfish! You sound like you want to be superwoman  (by the way i think I am LOL) Take it easy hun and tomorrow is another day, indulge in this nice big fat cream cake I am sending you.   :)

    Love & hugs

    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad

    I echo Ann: soak, candles, reeeeeeelaaaaaaaax.  I would add a bit of red nectar (sorry, wine) to help you drift off  zzzzzzzzzz.

    Alll the very best

    Georgia XXXXXXXX