strange days.

2 minute read time.

 hi folks,

 I honestly haven't got a clue what i'm going on about in this one, so bare with me. well i had my chemo 8 days ago, the first 4 days i've decided to bury in the deepest darkest pit of my mind,never to be opened (yes it was that bad).

   So 2 intravenous injections followed by 21days of tablets,(to be repeated nonstop til feb 2012), and this is the strange part.

   DAY 2- no pain at all, now considering that you could set the speaking clock to within 10 seconds of me needing pain relief, is this normal.just to emphasise every 4and a half hrs i took 2x 500mg paracetamol and 2x 50mg tramadol. with in 24 hrs didn't take or need anything.

   DAY 3-4,  still no pain, eating poor soft sloopy food only. sense of smell gone to the extreme, house hold smells infact everything to do with cooking making me sick.

   DAY 5,   OK wots going on, got up this morning felling more like myself than ever, yes i'm tired yes having a nap in the afternoon, but asked for and ate a beef hotpot, chunks and all, mmmmmmm

   DAYS 6,7,8.   right weird meter off the scale. I am now eating things that gave me trouble before i was diagnosed. Nothing getting stuck going past horace (say hello to my little friend), still tired but walked my dogs for nearly 45mins on day 7 (non stop). i've put on 3lbs in weight ( good job bev loves beefcakes)(can't believe i've just called myself a beef cake) and sat and had proper fish n chips from tadaaa a proper chippy. whoop de do.

   Now i'm still on tablets 2600mg aday, sense of smell still weird, even taking to lighting scented candles (think these tablets are hormonell ha ha). can't sleep very well, but just go down stairs and annoy the dogs, hey if i'm up they should be up.infact in everyway a vast improvement.

  So over to you my mac friends, has anyone heard of this happening so quick, or is it a high before the fall. Got to ring the docs on mon, to see about something to make me sleep, sorry don't drink so thats no use. if this keeps going i'll be as happy as a sand boy ( ok whats a sand boy and why is he so happy, damm my grandfather and his sayings ).

 as always stay happy,positive and love those around you, joe xx.

 P.S  heard this yesterday made me laugh..." All that is between an idiot at the seaside and a fisherman, is a fine line "  yes i enjoy fishing so doubly significant. jx

  • FormerMember

    Forgot to say, my fellow loon/beefcake if you got no pain, that's fantastic whatever. When I had my colostomy done most of my pain from the tumour went over night and i could pretty much sit down again just like that... That was weird too... But good weird.. I think it was due to pressure being taken off it.. Might be the same for you? Something shifted or shrunk a bit ? Mind you chemo does have this habit of getting cancer... I think thats why they use it.. :o)


    Anyway, handstrpping sounds painful.. Poor Dolly. she's my cheerer upper so don't you hurt her (as if you would) think it might be my bath day too ha ha x

  • FormerMember

    cheers guys, will check out that link ems thanks. as for the beefcake i should let you know i did tell bev that if i lost all my hair due to chemo, i was going for an all over tan and pose as a body builder. so when she heard me laughing at sunny's comments she reminded me of that promise,but don't expect any photo's of a mankini.

      don't worry about dolly handstripping does not hurt, the hair comes out in clumps with only a little tug, its the state the house gets into with 2 wet dogs going ballistic, that usually gets me in trouble with bev. just have to play the sympathy card this time .

      big hugs and wishes joe x