My personal thanks to andrex....

2 minute read time.

hi folks,

  yes i'm still here, but been under the weather for the last 11 days.

   had my 3rd chemo cycle on the 13th, ( never thought of that date till now) and rapidly went down hill that fast could have set the world record. don't know wot went on but felt very anxious at the start of the injections, and after fell asleep in the cafe waiting for my lift to come. Got home and went to sleep straight away. Friday n sat started to lose my appertite and very listless, had this before so not to worried, sun woke up and wasn't able to stand on my feet (like broken glass) this wasn't good as i was constantly going to the toilet with stomach cramps, and my hands were red and cracked.

  So rushed back to hospital, sat for 4 hrs just to be told " these are common side effects mr.h, don't be concerned. keep taking the tablets drink plenty of fluids and take 2 immodium when req but no more than 8 aday". so off i toddled buttocks clenched.

  I was at the toilet 22 times on sun night, rang the specialist nurse mon, told to stop the chemo and immodium let my body heal up abit. mmmmm thing its gonna need more than that but hey ho. never slept for more than 1-2 hrs before been called by gods megaphone, so back into hos to see the consultant.

  explained that in that week i hadn't been out of bed except to the toilet, not eating more than a bowl of cereal twice a day(thank god for rice crispies) and strained that much that i was passing blood. to which i was told " chemo can give you diarreaha, we need a sample"  good luck mate aint passed one for 8 days just yucky water, " ok just try joe, this should settle down in the next week" that was on thurs, now mon feel better in my self but still got the stomach probs.

  in effect i've never seen the tv, computer or life in general for well over a week, lost over a stone in weight and still not eating but these things are sent to try us. waiting for the hosp to decide when to restart the chemo. hopefully they will wait till this has passed completely.

as always, stay happy positive and love those around you.  big hugs joe  

  • FormerMember

    Oooooh my lovely Joe. I was worried about you...says Lm running across the room and flattening Joe with a big hug... (ok lets be honest here, hobbling across the room rather slowly... and a gentle hug.. don't want to squeeze)

    Hadn't seen the lovely Ruby for ages and was wondering why... now i know! You have my sympathies. I was in your position pre-baggy days and now I am a little nervous about going bagless again in case it goes back to what you described... Rotten for you Joe and not allowed!!! I won't have my loon having such a crap time. Right bummer that. Its sh*t. You must be gutted....

    (I've got arsehole cancer, I can do bum jokes till the cows come home)

    Lovely to hear from you, not so lovely to hear why though. Hope they get it sorted soon and the biggest hug to you my dear loon and give Ruby a kiss (if she'll let you near her)

    Oh and rice krispies... they were my chemo diet of choice too!

    If you can stay happy and positive, well... you are a special man. (good special, not mad special, well, not scary mad special... )

    Little My xxxx

    ps I might nip out and get some shares in andrex....

  • FormerMember

    thanks chaps,

     ems, the chemo has 2 intrevenous injections lasting about 3 hrs, then 21 days of tablets til the next injections. but  its the side effects of both constipation and diahorrea no one can tell which it is its that severve, so trial and error on laxatives ( yes you can imagine the effect on the big D) or immodium with the same catastrophic effect great fun.

    think we are at the same helpline /hospital nic or its a computer printed answer cos i got more joy from my gi nurse than the consultants.

     hi my loon, hope your taking it easy, may not have been able to get on here but will catch up with everyone soon i hope, i think after visiting the toilet at the the end of the universe ha ha or should that be ha aaahh, think bevs in the loony club now, as every time i moved it was " where you going " to which i normally answered "to hell and back", this was stopped by her comeback at 3 in the morning of " thats nice say hello to the rest of your family " sarcky woman.

    yes rice crispies n bannanas + andrex makes a happy camper.

    take care mac friends big hugs ( gentle squeeze back lm) joe x