Candid with Cancer

  • Candid with Cancer #4

    The chemotherapy started on Saturday 14th February. There is not a way to describe it really. Apart from impending doom. Or a ticking time bomb until it took effect and you’d feel all of it. I think over the 5 to 6 months I was in hospital, I h...
  • Candid with Cancer #3

    After being diagnosed, a plan of action was being put into place which would change my life in a heartbeat, for the rest of my life. And I know it’s hard to see the positives but I hoped one day it will be for the better. Though I wasn’t ...
  • Candid with Cancer #2

    Following on from my first blog, having been told I could have cancer, I was then moved onto a ward, until they got the results. We were waiting for ages, as you often do in hospitals. I remember telling my mum, that I hope I don’t have to stay...
  • Candid with Cancer #1

    Where to start really? No one can teach you how to circumnavigate cancer. You can read, read and read but at the end of the day, all you can do is experience it and learn. A unique experience unique to everyone, no two stories the same. I need to wri...