Worrying, Memory Making and Living

2 minute read time.

Hi all,

I am sitting here with the sun streaming through the window and a rather large glass of white wine.  I must also confess to having scoffed a Krispy Kreme...

What do I have to tell you?  Not much really.  Why am I blogging?  Don't really know if I am honest.

I wanted to tell you silly things, that I watch the twins asleep next to me and I feel a tear coming as I know I won't get to see them grow up.  So beautiful they will be too I am sure.  I know this because I watch their older brother who is becoming so handsome.  I look out onto our cul-de-sac at all the empty houses (we live in a development of houses that are being refurbished and we were one of the first to move in) and wonder who will move in?  Will it be busy?  Will it be a thriving little community?  I won't know though.  I think about my university course and all the parents I want to help when I graduate.  Except I might not.  I am welling up telling you this.  But this you know. This is my new normal.  Living with cancer is shit.

On the memory making front we have been busy, we bought a new (old) caravan and have been away this weekend to try it out.  It rained.  We had the usual family squabbles but we played games, listened to music and laughed a lot.  There is something very comforting about lying in your bed in the caravan listening to the rain on the roof.  It conjures up memories of a childhood spent in caravans.  Oldest master H is all signed up for high school and has new uniform to wear to, quite momentous my first born going to high school.  I sincerely hope I live to see the others to high school ...

On the cancer front I saw my oncologist last week, he is happy with my current appearance but has agreed to scan me in four weeks time instead of in August.  I couldn't rest until I know one way or the other.  I am in a fair amount of pain still in my back and leg so am worried it is more than the radio/chemo/menopause.  He was fairly positive about potential trials when we need to start treatment again.

I am also trying to lose the chemo/cake weight, so have begun swimming again and attempting to eat healthier.  This is pretty hard with little to no willpower I can tell you.  Rome wasn't built in a day eh?

The children have a new pet too....a bearded dragon named Darwin....a bit of a change from a gerbil but he/she is certainly keeping their interest.

Life is continuing, not the most interesting life but it is my life and I jealously guard it.  Every day matters.

Anyway must go, the Krispy Kremes are calling......
