Shrinking Optimism

3 minute read time.

Morning all.

First of all apologies for not updating sooner but I have had friends visiting and there just hasn't seemed to be the time.  No excuse I know.

I had my results.  I think I had been secretly hoping for another outstanding episode of shrinking.  Unfortunately it was not to be.  Dr Oncologist still believes this is good news though, it was as if he could read my disappointment.  He said that after our last results it is easy to get 'greedy' for more shrinkage, damn, this man knows me to well.  He went on to explain that it is entirely possible there is nothing left to shrink and that what is left is scar tissue in which case it won't shrink.  As much as I would like to believe this I somehow can't and feel that there is still cancer there.  Call me pessimistic but I just get a feeling.  However let us not get to despondent! We have more tools in our armoury and next Dr Oncologist intends to bring out the big guns!  We are going to blast the bastard with radiotherapy and not happy with just that he is going to inflict more chemotherapy on it too.  Apparently it makes the radiotherapy more potent? Well I am all for that but have to admit to being slightly nervous of all the side effects....

Dr Oncologist assures me this is the chemotherapy he gives to older people so I will be fine. Hmmm.  I will be the judge of that.  I am going to be given four weeks of radiotherapy with chemotherapy during week one and week four.  Week one I will be given an injection with one drug and fitted with a pump that drips the other drug into my body over the week, put up Monday and taken down Friday, which means I will have the pump on 24/7 for 5 days.  I will also have a few minutes of carefully targeted radiation each weekday for the four weeks.  The drugs in question are Mitomycin and 5FU (Fluorouracil), the Mitomycin will be the injection and the 5FU the drip fed drug, the usual side effects apply, hair loss, nausea, diarrhoea amongst other 'delights' although the written info suggests I shouldn't get them all.  Have they met my body?

Immediately following the appointment I felt a bit deflated, I suspect A was too.  Jo had come to the appointment with me and I think she also felt my disappointment and did her best to focus on the positive that the bastard had not grown.  She is right this is a positive.  A big positive.

I have since received my treatment schedule and have realised that I will have to miss two radiotherapy appointments due to tutorials in Sheffield, I simply cannot be there, and also that I will have to attend one of these with my pump in place.  I am slightly unhappy about this as I will be on the train so inevitably people will stare and I will also be in a group with people who are unaware of my illness but now I will probably have to explain about it.  I had been hoping not to.

Let's focus on the good.  Jo has been here this week, I have missed her, she came so I didn't have to go to my results appointment on my own.  Childcare difficulties meant A couldn't as much as he wanted to.  Another great friend came to stay for the rest of the week too.  He has been our friend for many years, the kind of friend you hear nothing from or forget to speak to for weeks but when you do you both easily fall into a conversation with ease and pick up where you left off.  We all enjoyed catching up and reminiscing about a part of our lives where we had much fun and high jinks.  A time where cancer very much was not on the radar.

The week was finished off with a quiz night, A and I both went as we were able to arrange a babysitter.  A rare event but enjoyed all the more because of it.  We were happy knowing that the children were in the very capable of hands of a lovely lady who is just wonderful for offering that rare thing, time together.

I have the next three weeks off treatment and will spend most of it packing up the house, we hope to move during the middle of next month and are now really looking forward to it.  The extra space will be incredibly welcome.

Till next time.

  • FormerMember

    First up, sorry there hasn't been the shrinkage you wanted but take heart - it probably IS the scar tissue the doc says.

    Secondly, you're getting the same deal as I did for the chemoradiation. I had five and a half weeks with the chemo pump and same drugs in week one and week five. My hair thinned slightly but it doesn't all fall out (although all the hair down there did with the radiotherapy, which I'm not complaining about!).

    The pump is fine, if a little intrusive at first. It goes into a little holder that you clip on to your clothes and they show you how to put the tube through when you dress to keep it close to your body. It isn't actually that noticeable - I drove, went shopping, got on with things fine with it. The main things that bothered me about it was I couldn't wash my hair (you can get someone to do it for you or get some dry shampoo) and you have you keep it out of the bath.

    I got the runny tummy with the radiotherapy but they give you meds. I also felt sick as a dog on day two, but again the anti-sickness drugs they give you work great.

    The main side-effects of the radiotherapy initially is the fatigue - apparently this is your body turning its energy towards repairing the healthy cells damaged by the R/T. So get plenty of naps. Later, you'll get burns but they gave you creams for that and keep an eye on your skin.

    The radiotherapy people at the Freeman are absolutely lovely. Couldn't fault them at all. Good luck!

  • FormerMember

    Thanks hun :)

    Was kinda hoping I wouldn't have to feel sick again but I have the tablets so hopefully they will work this time. I ended up with a syringe driver during chemo don't really want that again :/

    Onwards and upwards! ;)

  • FormerMember

    You might not feel sick, not everyone does, and my initial nausea was totally controlled by the pills.

  • FormerMember

    Oh pants and cobblers. I'm so sorry it wasn't what you wanted to hear. Good that it's nothing negative mind but your disappointment is completely understandable.

    Your oncologist really is going at it hell for leather which is good. Just make sure you have him on speed dial when it all kicks off.

    Have been and will be thinking of you x