Home, My Babies and Back Again

Less than one minute read time.

I was allowed home on day release on Sunday.  It was wonderful,  home cooked food (who manages to survive on nhs food?) and most importantly cuddles with my with babies.

I breastfed them. It was relaxing and Affirming.  I slept in our bed and had sleepy cuddles with them.

Yesterday I came back to hospital to be seen by the pain team.   Or not as it turned out.  Too busy to see me I guess.  So another day wasted, who knows how many of those I have? I should be spending as many as possible with my beautiful family.

Made the mistake of asking the Dr about the tumour this morning.  I asked if there was any chance it would be benign.  Apparently highly unlikely.  I went on the Internet.  Stupid move, I have self diagnosed myself with state 3/4 ovarian cancer.  Consequently I have been in tears again for the past two hours.  I am doubting my ability to do this, to take this path,  travel this road.

I am told positivity is the key.  Not feeling so positive right now.

Speak soon xxx
