Monday 1st July

2 minute read time.

I understand that it's really hard for people to find the right words when you tell them you have cancer. I suppose there aren't any "right words" but I'm getting really tired of people saying stupid stuff to me that really doesn't help.

For example currently I'm enrolled in a 1 year pre degree course and today everyone on our course got our letters telling us whether we got in or not. Unfortunatly I was one of the people who didn't get in. So my friend comes up to me and asks whether I got a place or not...when I told her I didn't her reply was "Oh well, I suppose it doesn't matter anyway I mean this is nothing compared to your 'other' news. You really need to spend this time concentrating and focusing on getting better." Just because I now have cancer doesn't mean I didn't want that place just as much as anyone else did. But not only that, the way she said it was as if she was telling me that somehow I can "think" my cancer better. How I wish it were that easy!

The other thing that's annoying is how nosy people can be. A girl who I don't really talk to came up to me and started bombarding me with questions trying to find out why I was upset. When I eventually told her, her response was "Oh, oh well I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." and walked off...she got her gossip and didn't care about anything else.

I still haven't told a lot of people and part of me really doesn't want to. I like the happy bubble it provides. It means I can pretend for a bit longer that I didn't get this news last week. But sooner or later everyone is going to know and what am I going to do then? So far all of the people I have told look at me differently. It's like I'm a bomb thats about to go off or something. Whenever we're talking I can see the pity in there eyes...or they'll start to talk about their own problems and then trail off into an awkward silence which says "Why am I babbeling on about my problems when she's got cancer?"

I haven't even told my family. How am I supposed to tell my family? Sit them down and say..."I've got something serious to tell you.." they'll probably all think I'm pregnant.

I don't know if I'm strong enough to look them in the eyes and tell them I might be dying. I mean thats not something a kid should ever have to tell their parents (and seeing as my parents aren't together I'm going to have to find the strength to do it twice). It was hard enough telling a few of my friends and some people at school. But my family....well I'll let you know how it goes, if I ever manage to build up the courage to tell them.

  • FormerMember

    Hello there, yes it is dreadful the way people react but I guess they just don't know any better. In the end I decided to laugh about it rather than get upset. Somewhere on here is a thread called Dumb things people say. It is full of all the dumb things we have had said to us. I thnk people just can't face it and don't want to think about it so they come out with stupid platitudes to make themselves feel better.

    I had my fair share. The ones that drove me mad the most were the 'headtilters' who tilt their head at you and say How ARE you... and things like you are so brave and bless you... I started tilting my head sideways to match and asking them back How Are you ... Made me smile instead of wanting to punch something. I also had a running joke with my friend as to who was my latest new best friend as someone would always email or ring me just before the weekly staff meeting to ask how I was so they could report on me to the others.. guess they wanted the 'I'm so caring look at me I know all about it' sort of thing. I had some fab friends who just got on with it and made me feel ok. Treasure those ones and we are here to understand all the other stuff.

    You must tell your family. I know it is really really hard when you think about it but once you do it its not so bad. I was so so dreading telling my son but it had to be done and we had a good chat and it was a relief to tell him and not be worrying about it. I wrote a letter to my colleagues and asked them not to talk about it for a while so I could enjoy that last bit of normality for a while.

    You don't have to do it twice either. Tell whichever parent you feel most comfortable telling and they can tell the other one. Doesn't matter whether they are together or not, they are your parents still.

    Sorry to hear about your course. You must be gutted about that.

    People will get over it and stop looking at you so weirdly once they see you are still getting on with things and you get used to some of the odd looks and when you don't , have a rant on here and we will all know just what you mean. I am 2 years down the line and back at work and I only have one person now who still tilts their head at me and patronises me. Everyone else has got over it.

    big hug

    Little My x