
1 minute read time.

Yesterday was hubby's birthday , he did tell us not to buy him anything, he didn't want us wasting our money Unamused  As if we were going to do that . No we did not , my son bought him a PSP and loads of games for it   to keep him occupied which will come in handy as we have just found out hubby will be staying in hospital for 4-5 days for this chemo treatment every 3 weeks.  my eldest daughter bought him a Bagpuss teddy hand warmer and our 4 year old wanted to buy daddy a hot water bottle and vests to keep him warm cause he is always cold . I bought him some dumbells to help him build up his arms and upper body Muscle He has an appointment thursday in the Nuclear medicine dept for scans on his heart to make sure it is healthy enough for this treatment.  he is going to be "radioactive man"  again for 24 hours this time . So we will have to keep our 4 year old away from him for the whole 24 hours . That's not going to be easy !? At least this time we were told in advanced  .When he had his first Pet scan myself and our 4 year old daughter  went with him ,it was during the 6 weeks school holidays and there was a park near the hospital so we thought it would be  a nice trip out for her .well It was a 30 minutes walk to the park , then soon after we got into the play area hubby phoned me to tell me he had just found out he couldn't be around her for 9 hours after the scan due to being radioactive .so I had drive 45 minutes to drop her home and go back to pick him up !!! Not such a good trip out in the end after all 

  • When we get to a certain age, it seems we feel obligated to say “No presents are necessary.” But everyone loves presents and they are always appreciated! So glad you all got him thoughtful presents to help keep him occupied, warm, and able to work on building some muscle tone during a very tough time.