ancient cancer Treatment Results

2 minute read time.
story about ancient treatment results


I want to talk but I can't

I want to yell but I can't

I want to be myself but I can't

I want to see the light but I can't

I want to tell a story, maybe I can

Once upon a time, there was a big city, there were tall buildings, there were numerous people, there were many professions such as coach, dancer, president, prime minister, engineer, teacher, doctor and also being one of the powers behind the scene. The last one is the perfect one because he can tell the coach how to coach, tell the dancer how to dance, tell the president how to play, tell the prime minister how to act, tell the engineer how to manage his business, tell the teacher how to teach and tell the doctor how to prescribed medicines. they are scary. I am afraid because they are hurting everyone. these communities seem very nice, they gather sick people together to give just hope to each other. Do we have any right to choose what we do instead of forcing laws to us?

we poor people, they began to choose for us and shouldn't we be happy about it.

I want to be angry and I am but how can I direct it to the people who deserve it.

diseases may change to cancers, cancers may change to rare cancers, rare cancers may change to incurable.

who put these words to our mind? 

hey sir, you have a cancer, if we cannot cue it, it means it's incurable, do you understand? if we discover anything new, we put you on the list and we give it to you, don't worry, your expense will be paid by charity or government, be happy.

,hey, we gather here to be happy and it seems crazy but aren't all of us doing same treatment which it should treat us or we can just hope that it can cure us.

So, why are we doing the same thing that ... ( I cannot say it because it may seem that we aren't allowed)

I beg to the God that all the people in the world just know the thing that I know.

I want to cry and I am crying.........

I can assure you people that there are no diseases that cannot be cured, you must search it not just sit like a puppet and wait like others. WAKE UP

  • Hi I’ll cry with you. 
    We was. so distressed when my husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer August 2018 
    8 weeks ago my husband had to go into hospital it has spread to his brain which bled and caused him to have a stroke so so scary and then the dictator comes and tells you it’s not a good prognosis aDisappointed it’s as if she is taking gobberdy goop says have you any questions  

    no just want to scream.  But 8 weeks on he has made great improvements. He is home   Does not need physio can walk again got use back on his right side he was not able to talk but he is making great improvements with that too. As scary as it is we keep positive enjoying each day. Good days and not so good days.  I’m in heaps crying then we can be laughing. 

    I hope you have good support to help you through this. Take care 


  • FormerMember

    when we see such a love, we can be both happy and sad

    when you see your loved ones suffering, you also suffer . Isn't the pain more than enough for these people?

    they have the means to put a price for families which do not put pressure on them, why don't these evil people do it?