Getting ready for chemotherapy

1 minute read time.

So I’m having a lumpectomy on the 10th August (that’s if my BP comes down Rage) and then 6 weeks later, so around 21st September I’ll start chemo.

Ive begun thinking about and exploring people’s experiences regarding chemo and firstly I think I’ve finally decided not to do the cold cap. I’ve spoken to a couple of hairdresser friends and decided to just lose the hair.

Next week I’m having my hair cut shorter, it’s already in a short bob but it’s going to go shorter. I may go even shorter at the next cut but we’ll see.

Ive discovered that I can still continue to have my gel nails on so that will make me feel better and I’ll have black as recommended by so many people. I may have some swirls too on my nails so at least I won’t feel like a total goth Rofl

Ive also decided to get my ears re-pierced as they closed up years ago, so at least I can wear some pretty earrings.

My next job is to look into micro blading - I know very little about this so need to book an appointment and find out what they suggest, costs etc

Finally I’m going to go into Boots and ask about decent concealer/foundation etc in a bid to make myself look half human. I’ve never really spent much on make up apart from a bit of lipstick and mascara.

Im basically grasping at anything to make me feel feminine and it’s also giving me something to focus on too. 

I’m also listing the boring stuff I may need e.g. ear thermometer, gavisgon, Imodium, moisturiser, alcohol free mouthwash etc. 

  • I tried the cold cap on my first chemo, hated it and had to ask for it to be taken off. Started losing my hair 2 weeks after my first chemo. I had it cut from long to a bob in the hope I might get another week before it went completely, but I was getting frustrated with finding hair everywhere - clogging up the vac, all over the floor and my clothes, pulling handfuls out of the shower drain trap after every shower. The final straw was last Friday, just over 2 weeks from my first treatment.  I made a salad for lunch, sat down to eat it and had to pull my hair out of it first! Bleugh!  At that point I decided to shave it off. It was a scary and emotional thing to do, but as soon as it was done I felt strangely liberated.  Just had my second session yesterday and have nearly lost all my hair now. I'm slowly getting used to going out and about. At first it feels like everyone is staring at you, but then you realise they aren't. Most people are busy getting on with their own lives.

  • Thank you for your post. I deliberated about the cold cap but like you, just thought I’m probably going to lose 50% of it and for weeks I’ll be stressing about it falling out and getting thinner & thinner. Surely it’s better for it to go and just wear a turban, hat and wig. Then you’re not constantly finding bits of it everywhere. I’ve got very thick coarse hair and there is LOADS of it! 

  • What sort of moisturiser did you go for please?

    C x

  • Hi I finished chemo 24 June. I had 3 ec and 3 docetaxel 

  • I've had 2 EC now, I have one more to go. Found it very hard, just so tired. Last one is next Tuesday and then im having weekly Paclitaxel which takes me to the 1st Feb.I know I shouldn't be wishing my life away but I really am wishing this part away.